Saturday, 16 June 2012


  • Putri Rimba Niagara  shared Mufizar Ilyas's photo.
    Bunga Bengkuleen.....
    Bungo Kibut (Curug)
    Pesona dalam misteri....
     ·  ·  · 7 hours ago · 

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        Salam damai dari negeri patriotisme Bengkuleen
        Katakan cinta bagi Nusantara

        Berkunjunglah ke bumi Raflesia Bengkulu
        Melihat dengan nyata...
        Bunga gergasi berwarna ungu
        Anugerah dari-Nya
        Bunga aneh yang terbesar di dunia
        Tumbuh mekar di alam rimba indah nian
        SUBHANALLAH kurniaan yang disyukuri

        16 Jun 2012

  • Putri Rimba Niagara shared Mufizar Ilyas's photo.
    Bunga Raflessia Arnoldy

    Semasa Pemerintahan Inggris, Bunga ini ditemukan pertam...
     ·  ·  · 7 hours ago · 

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      • Bunga Raflessia Arnoldy

        Semasa Pemerintahan Inggris, Bunga ini ditemukan pertamakali oleh Sir Thomas Raffles dan Dr. Arnoldy di Dusun Lubuk Tapi pada tahun 1818.
        Bunga ini adalah bunga terbesar di dunia dengan diameter 100 cm.
        Bunga ini membutuhkan 6 sampai 8 bulan untuk tumbuh dan 15 hari setelah itu untuk berbunga.
        Keunikan dari bunga ini adalah tidak adanya akar, daun dan batang.
        Tumbuhan ini termasuk parasit kerena tidak adanya klorofil dan haustoria.
        Bunga ini sering tumbuh dan ditemukan di Taba Penanjung I dan Taba Penanjung III (Bengkulu Tengah), daerah di wilayah kabupaten Kepahiang, dan daerah di wilayah kabupaten Rejang Lebong.
        The World's Largest Flower (Arnoldi Rafflesia)

        Rafflesia Arnoldi is an obligate plant parasites which are notorious for having very large flowers, even the world's largest flower. He grew up in the network of vines (lianas) Tetrastigma and has no leaves and is unable to photosynthesize.

        Naming giant flower can not be separated by a history of first discovery in 1818 in the tropical forest of Be...ngkulu (Sumatra) somewhere near the River Manna, Lubuk But, South Bengkulu, Bengkulu so well known worldwide as The Land of Rafflesia Rafflesia or the Earth.

        A guide who works at Dr. Joseph Arnold who discovered this giant flower the first time. Dr. Joseph Arnold himself was the center following the expedition led by Thomas Stamford Raffles. So naming the Rafflesia flower arnoldii based off of the combined name of Thomas Stamford Raffles as a leader of the expedition and Dr. Joseph Arnold as the inventor of flowers.

        This plant is endemic on the island of Sumatra, particularly the southern part of Bengkulu. Kerinci Seblat National Park is an area of major conservation of this species. This species, together with the other members of the genus Rafflesia, threatened status is due to massive deforestation.

        This flower is a parasite is not rooted, no leaves, and not stemmed. Diameter of flowers when in bloom can reach 1 meter with a weight about 11 pounds. Flowers suck inorganic and organic elements of the host plant Tetrastigma. The only part that could be called the "plant" is a network that grows on vines Tetrastigma.

        Flowers have five petals that surround the part that looks like a barrel-shaped mouth. At the base there are parts like the disc flowers spiked, contain stamens or pistil flowers depending on gender, male or female. Animal pollinators are flies attracted by the stench that issued interest.

        Interest only about one week old (5-7 days) and after that wilt and die. Very small percentage of fertilization, because the male flowers and female flowers bloom very rarely together in a single week, if any flies that came fertilize. — di Bengkulu, — with Rayni N. Massardi, Rafki Zainil, Affan Pasaribu and 39 others in Indonesia.

        16 Jun 2012

        7 hours ago · 

      •  RAFLESIA

        Bunga indah
        Kurniaan dari-Nya
        Untuk hamba-Nya

        Bunga gergasi
        Yang tak berpokok
        Pokoknya adalah
        Akar yang ada didalam tanah
        Seakan keluar dari bumi
        Cuma sekuntum
        Menghiasi rimba
        Penciptaan Yang Maha Bijaksana
        Tak terjangkau oleh pemikiran manusia
        Fantasi tapi realiti
        Kekuasaan-Mu Mengatasi Segala-Nya

        16 Jun 2012

        7 hours ago · 

        16 Jun 2012

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