Tuesday, 4 December 2012



    Kelantan Darul Naim (Jawi: كلنتن دار النعيم, Loghat Kelantan: Klatè) atau nama pendeknya Kelantan merupakan sebuah negeri daripada 1
    4 buah negeri di Malaysia yang kaya dengan sumber asli. Mempunyai keluasan lebih kurang 14,922 km², terletak di timur laut Semenanjung Malaysia, berhadapan dengan Laut China Selatan, dan bersempadan dengan Thailand. Kelantan ialah sebuah negeri agraria (pertanian) yang mempunyai banyak kawasan tanaman padi dan perkampungan nelayan.
    Berdasarkan pada Bancian Tahun 2000, Kelantan mempunyai seramai 1,313,014 orang penduduk. Kaum Melayu merupakan kaum yang terbesar dengan 95%, diikuti dengan kaum Cina 3.8%, kaum India 0.3% dan lain-lain kaum 0.9%. Berdasarkan bancian tersebut, 95% beragama Islam, diikuti dengan agama Buddha 4.4%, Kristian 0.2%, Hindu 0.2% dan lain-lain agama 0.2%.

    Kelantan Darul Naim terdiri daripada 10 jajahan iaitu :-
    Jajahan Kota Bharu (كوتا بارو)
    Jajahan Pasir Mas (ڤاسير مس)
    Jajahan Tumpat (تومڤ)
    Jajahan Pasir Puteh (ڤاسير ڤوتيه)
    Jajahan Bachok (باچوق)
    Jajahan Kuala Krai (كوالا كراي)
    Jajahan Machang (ماچڠ)
    Jajahan Tanah Merah (تانه ميره)
    Jajahan Jeli (جيلي)
    Jajahan Gua Musang (ڬوا موسڠ)
    Jajahan Kecil Lojing
    Bandar-bandar utama di negeri Kelantan termasuklah Kota Bharu (ibu negeri), Pasir Puteh, Pasir Mas, Tanah Merah, Kuala Krai, Jeli, Rantau Panjang dan Pangkalan Chepa.

    Negeri Kelantan mengalami iklim tropika yang baik, di mana hampir setiap tahun hujan turun dengan berselang-seli mengikut bulan tertentu. Biasanya, hujan yang lebat akan berterusan selama beberapa hari atau selama beberapa bulan. Bulan-bulan yang mengalami hujan yang paling kerap ialah bulan November, Disember dan Januari, iaitu pada musim tengkujuh. Suhu setiap hari dianggarkan lebih kurang 21 °C.

    Nama "Kelantan" dikatakan pencemaran daripada perkataan "gelam hutam", iaitu nama Melayu bagi pokok Melaleuca leucadendron. Ada juga yang mengatakan bahawa namanya datang daripada perkataan "kilatan" atau "kolam tanah". Selain itu Negeri Kelantan juga dikenali dengan nama Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga, Tanjung Pura, Negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang dan Serambi Mekah pada masa dahulu.
    Sejarah awal Kelantan tidak begitu jelas, tetapi temuan arkeologi mempertunjukkan kesan petempatan manusia di zaman prasejarah. Kelantan awal mempunyai perhubungan dengan Empayar Funan, Empayar Khmer, Srivijaya dan Siam. Kira-kira 1411, Raja Kumar, raja Kelantan, membebaskan negeri itu dari Siam. Beliau memakai gelaran Sultan Iskandar Shah apabila memeluk Islam. Kelantan kemudian menjadi sebuah pusat perdagangan yang penting pad akhir abad ke-15.
    Pada 1499, Kelantan menjadi negeri vasal Kesultanan Melaka. Dengan kejatuhan Melaka pada 1511, Kelantan dibahagikan dan diperintah oleh ketua-ketua kecil. Dengan ancaman oleh Siam pada 1603, kebanyakan ketua kecil Kelantan bernaung di bawah Persekutuan Pattani Besar. Kerajaan pusat di Pattani membahagikan Kelantan kepada 4 wilayah iaitu Kelantan Timur, Kelantan Barat, Legeh dan Ulu Kelantan. Kira-kira 1760, seorang putera raja Kelantan Barat berjaya dalam penyatuan wilayah Kelantan sekarang. Tidak lama kemudian, pada 1764, Long Yunus iaitu putera raja Kelantan Timur, anak Long Sulaiman berjaya merampas takhta kerajaan dan mengisytiharkan diri sebagai Raja Kelantan. Walaubagaimanapun, dengan kemangkatannya, Kelantan dipengaruhi oleh Terengganu.
    Pada 1800, Raja Muhammad mengisytiharkan diri sebagai sultan pertama Kelantan. Pada 1812, baginda melepaskan diri daripada pengaruh Terengganu dan menjadi negara ufti Siam yang berasingan. Pada 1820-an, Kelantan merupakan salah satu daripada negeri yang terbanyak penduduk serta termakmur di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu kerana berjaya mengelakkan perang dan pertikaian yang menimpa negeri-negeri di selatan dan barat. Siam terus memainkan peranan yang mustahak di Kelantan pada seluruh abad ke-19.
    Di bawah syarat Perjanjian British-Siam pada 1909, Siam menyerahkan tuntutan Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah dan Perlis kepada Britain, dan Kelantan menjadi salah satu daripada Negeri-negeri Melayu Tidak Bersekutu di bawah Residen British.
    Kelantan merupakan tempat pertama di Malaya yang ditakluk oleh Jepun yang menyerangnya pada 8 Disember 1941. Semasa pendudukan Jepun, Kelantan sekali lagi dikawal oleh Siam, tetapi selepas kekalahan Jepun pada Ogos 1945, Kelantan kembali kepada pemerintahan British.
    Kelantan menjadi sebahagian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pada 1 Februari 1948 dan bersama-sama dengan negeri lain, mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957. Pada 16 September 1963, Kelantan menjadi salah satu daripada negeri-negeri yang membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia.

    Sultan Negeri Kelantan merupakan Ketua Perlembagaan Negeri. Di bawah perlembagaan negeri, kuasa perundangan dipunyai oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri. Dewan ini melantikkan ahli Dewan untuk membentukkan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan (EXCO).
    EXCO, yang diketuai oleh Menteri Besar, memegang kuasa eksekutif dan merupakan badan yang membuat dasar kerajaan negeri. Menteri Besar yang dilantik oleh Sultan adalah daripada parti politik yang memenangi kerusi yang terbanyak di dalam Dewan Undangan. Menteri Besar Kelantan sekarang ialah Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang juga merupakan Mursyidul Am kepada parti yang memerintah negeri Kelantan, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia(PAS).

    Kelantan merupakan negeri yang berjiran dengan wilayah-wilayah selatan Thailand yang dikenali dahulu sebagai Negeri Patani Darul Salam. Dari segi sejarahnya, Kelantan mempunyai hubungan sejarah yang sangat akrab dengan Kesultanan Melayu Patani yang didokongi oleh Kesultanan Melayu Islam. Di mana Kesultanan Melayu Kelantan mempunyai pertalian darah dengan Kesultanan Melayu Patani dan juga Kesultanan Melayu Negeri Champa. Setelah Kesultanan Melayu Patani dikhianati oleh Siam dan British maka ia telah demonisasi oleh Thailand. Negeri Patani telah dipecahkan kepada wilayah-wilayah kecil yang terdiri dari Yala(Jala), Narathiwat(Menara), Patani dan Songkla(Senggora).
    Di bawah perjanjian British-siam pada tahun 1948 demografi pemerintahan selatan Siam telah dipisahkan. Kelantan di bawah Malaysia manakala negeri-negeri Patani di bawah Thailand.
    Oleh yang demikian Kelantan mempunyai budaya yang unik yang sangat berkait rapat dengan budaya Negeri Patani. Asimilasi antara budaya Melayu, Siam dan Islam menghasilkan permainan rakyat seperti Dikir Barat, Main Puteri, Mak Yong dan seumpamanya. Mak Yong dipengaruhi oleh budaya Siam (Thailand), sementara Dikir Barat pula mempunyai unsur-unsur Islam. Main Puteri pula dikatakan diresapi oleh budaya Hindu.
    Kelantan juga kaya dengan makanan tradisional dan berlainan dengan makanan Melayu di negeri lain. Di antara makanan tradisional Kelantan yang berkhasiat dikenali sebagai budu.Budu salah satu makanan yang paling popular di negeri kelantan.Sekarang masyrakat makin mengenali budu dan semakin tahu khasiat budu.Di samping itu nasi kerabu juga popular di negeri kelantan , hanya masyarakat kelantan dapat menghasilkan nasi kerabu yang sedap.Terdapat macam-macam makanan yang sedap-sedap dinegeri kelantan.

    Penduduk di Kelantan kebanyakan menggunakan bahasa Melayu Kelantan, bahasa ini merupakan loghat dari bahasa Melayu piawai. Bahasa ini berbeza dengan bahasa Melayu Terengganu tetapi digunakan sehingga di Besut dan Setiu, Terengganu.
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    • You and 28 others like this.
    • Engku Syntal izn coppy YM...
    • Fa Jameela Khan Subhanallah....
    • Sulaiman Dawud Silahkan Engku..
    • Datok Pendita Adi Putra Sudah terbukti keilmuan Tuan Sulaiman Dawud tidak perlu dipertikaikan. Tahniah dan terimakasih tuan.
    • Engku Syntal Terimakasih, salam
    • Sulaiman Dawud Leluhur Kelantan adalah Sayyid Ali Nurul Alam Azmatkhan, Sayyid Muhammad Kebungsuan Azmatkhan, Sayyid Tsanauddin Azmatkhan, dan banyak keturunan Sayyid Husain Jamaluddin menjadi Sultan dan Raja di Kelantan
    • Sulaiman Dawud Datok Pendita Adi Putra >> hamba hanya berkhidmah untuk Islam dan Kejayaan Kesultanan Islam di seluruh dunia
    • Datok Pendita Adi Putra Alhamdulillah....begitulah khidmat kita yg faqir ini kepada Allah Yang Layak DI Sembah, tiada Tuhan selainNya
    • Sulaiman Dawud Kelantan was once a powerful state with ancient trade links with China, Champa and India, but became tributary to the Majapahit Empire during the 13th and 14th centuries. It re-established its independence under Raja Kumar, ca. 1411. It became an important centre for trade and commerce during the fifteenth century, but fell to Malacca in 1499. Following the Portuguese conquest of Malacca in 1511, the state disintegrated into several petty principalities. These principalities were conquered again by the Siamese and made subject to Patani I 1603. In 1760, a certain Kubang Labu succeeded in unifying the disparate territories into a single state once more, but he was overthrown four years later. Long (Luang) Yunus seized the throne and proclaimed himself Raja of Kelantan in 1764 but the state fell under the control of Trengganu after his death. Long Muhammad, younger son of Yunus, declared himself Sultan in 1800. He was eventually accepted by the Siamese as ruler of a separate tributary, twelve years later. Kelantan was transferred to British protection by the terms of the Anglo-Siamese treaty of 1909. Britain paying Siam for all outstanding debts and assuming responsibility for them in Siam's stead. Negeri Kelantan Dar ul-Naim became one of the Unfederated Malay States in 1911.
    • Sulaiman Dawud The Japanese invaded Kelantan on 8th December and were in full occupation by the 22nd of December 1941. They transferred Kelantan to Thai control in 1943. The state was freed from Japanese occupation on 8th September 1945 and became a state of the Federation of Malaya on 1st February 1948. It joined the other states of the peninsular to form the Federation of Malaya on 31st August 1957 and became a state of Malaysia on 16th September 1963.

      Sultan Ismail Petra was constitutionally deposed by the State Succession Council in favour of his eldest son in September 2010, after failing to recover from a severe and delibitating stroke in the previous May. This followed several months of challenges to the constitutional arrangements made in its wake by several disgruntled members of the Royal Family
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1362 - 1418 Sultan Baki Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud, Raja of Chermin, eldest son of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud ibnu 'Abdu'llah, Raja of Lankasuka and Kelantan, son of Paduka Sri Sang Tawal, Raja of Lankasuka, educ. privately. Appointed as Raja of Tanjungpura and Chermin during the lifetime of his father. Succeeded his father, 1362. He d. ca. 1418, having had issue, two sons and one daughter:
      1) Sultan Sadik Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Baki Shah, Raja of Kelantan - see below.
      2) Raja Kemas Jiwa Sang Ajit Jaya ning-Rat, who succeeded as Sultan Iskandar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Baki Shah, Raja of Kelantan - see below.
      1) Putri Selindung Bulan. m. Sayyid Husain Jamadi al-Kubra [Ratnavamsa Pandita Parnen]. She had issue, two sons:
      a) Sayyid 'Ali Nur ul-Alam bin Husain Jamadi al-Kubra, Pateh Arya Gajah Mada. Perdana Mantri of Kelantan-Majapahit II 1432-1467. Fled to Champa with the Sultan, following the Siamese conquest in 1467.
      i) Wan Hussain bin 'Ali Nur ul-Alam, Sri Amaravamsa [Tuk Masjid]. A Majapahit Pateh.
      ii) Sultan Maulana Sharif Abu Abdu'llah Mahmud Umdat ud-din [Shaikh Israel Yakub][Wan Bo Tri Tri], Raja of Champa 1471-1478. m. Sharifa Mudain, Ratu Mas Rara Santang, daughter of Radin Pamanasara Prabhu Silawangi, of Pajajaran, in Banten, by his wife, Nyai Sabanglarang, daughter of Ki Gedeng Tapa. He had issue:
      (1) Ahmad Fatahillah [Sharif Hidayatu'llah] bin Sultan Abu 'Abdu'llah. Ancestor of the royal houses of Banten, Cheribon and Palembang.
      (2) Wan Abul Muzaffar Waliu'llah bin Sultan Abu 'Abdu'llah. He had issue:
      (a) Nik Jamal ud-din bin Wan Abul Muzaffar, Timbalan Raja of Champa. Sometime Datu Kelantan. He had issue:
      (i) Raja Loyor, who became Sultan Adil ud-din bin Jamal ud-din, Raja of Kelantan - see below. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      (ii) Raja Ekok, who became Sultan Samir ud-din bin Jamal ud-din, Raja of Kelantan - see below.
      (b) Dato' Nik Mustafa bin Wan Abul Muzaffar, who became Sultan 'Abdu'l Hamid Shah bin Wan Abul Muzaffar, Raja Sri Sarwasadesa and Champa 1578-1637. He had issue, three sons:
      (i) Nik Ibrahim, who became Raja Ibrahim bin Sultan 'Abdu'l Hamid Shah, Raja of Champa 1637-1684. Previously Datu Kelantan 1634-1637.
      (ii) Nik Badr us-Salam. He had issue, two sons:
      1. Wan Muhammad Amin bin Nik Badr us-Salam (Po Jatamuh), of Champa 1684.
      2. Dato' Pengkalan, of Champa 1684-1692.
      (iii) Nik 'Ali. Datuk Maharaja Lela and Panglima Agung Tentara of Patani.
      iii) Wan Demali Alim ud-din bin Bur ul-Alam. A Majapahit Pateh of Karmawijaya and Laksamana of Benta.
      b) Sayyid Muhammad Kebungsuan, Prabhu Anum/Udaya ning-Rat/Bhra Wijaya. Putative ancestor of the ruling houses of Demak, Pajang and Mataram in Jawa.
    • Handik Saputra Al Balitariy Kalantan negeri Bag Malaysia yang tersohor satu satunya menegakkan syariat or basis nya PAS. barokallohu fiiik.....
    • Sulaiman Dawud GENEALOGI AZMATKHAN OF KELANTAN >>> Andi 'Ali [Raja Andak][Pakih Ali], son of a Bugis adventurer who arrived and settled in Patani ca. 1640, by his wife, a daughter of the Sri Biji di-Raja of Patani. m. (first) Wan Teja, daughter of the Laksamana, of Kota Tinggi, Johor. m. (second) Inche' Dewi, daughter of To' Majid. He had issue, five sons:
      1) Wan Ismail bin 'Ali, Dato' Orang Kaya Pandak. He d. after 1650, having had issue:
      a) ?Nik Mahmud bin Ismail, Dato' Paduka Raja.
      b) Wan Abu Bakar bin Orang Kaya Biji di-Raja Tok Wan Pandak. He d. after 1680, having had issue, four sons and three daughters:
      i) Wan Deraman bin Wan Abu Bakar. He had issue, a daughter:
      (1) Wan Mariam binti Wan Deraman. m. Wan Ali Gaffaran bin Wan Ngah. She had issue, a son:
      (a) Wan 'Abdu'l Ngah bin Wan Ali. He had issue, a son.
      (i) Nik Wan Muhammad Amin bin Wan 'Abdu'l Ngah. He had issue, a daughter:
      1. Nik Wan Zainab binti Nik Wan Muhamman Amin [H.H. Sultana Zainab]. b. 1877. m. 1888, H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Muhammad IV ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan, KCMG (b. 1870; d. 20th December 1920), son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad III ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. She d. at Kota Bahru, 23rd July 1928 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), having had issue - see below.
      ii) Wan Su bin Wan Abu Bakar. He had issue, six children.
      iii) Wan Idris al-Jawi al-Fatani al-Malayuwi.
      iv) Wan Saleh bin Wan Abu Bakar.
      i) Wan Tee binti Wan Abu Bakar. m. Wan Dahil.
      ii) Wan Banum binti Wan Abu Bakar. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      iii) Wan Amina binti Wan Abu Bakar.
      a) Wan Hamida binti Orang Kaya Biji di-Raja Tok Wan Pandak. She had issue, five children.
      2) Wan Yusuf bin 'Ali, Dato' Ratna di-Raja. He had issue, five children:
      a) Wan Dato bin Wan Yusuf.
      b) Wan Su bin Wan Yusuf, Dato' Bendahara. m. Wan Nisah, Tok Wan Chik, daughter of Tok Masjid Siewan, Dato' Bija di-Raja Pengkalan Tua. He had issue, one daughter:
      i) Wan Salama binti Wan Su.
      c) Wan Danau (same as Wan Dato??).
      d) Wan Dewi binti Wan Yusuf.
      e) Wan Mas binti Wan Yusuf.
      f) Wan Petan (same as Wan Dato??), who had issue:
      i) Tok Raja Jambu.
      3) Wan Abu Bakar bin Wan Pandak. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      4) Wan Nik bin 'Ali, Dato' Wan, of Patani. He had issue, a son:
      a) Wan Daim bin Wan Nik, Dato' Pangkalan Tua and Dato' Jambu of Patani. He had issue, four sons:
      i) Tuan Sulung bin Wan Daim, Datu Pasir, of Patani and of Kelantan Barat (West Kelantan) 1698-1713. He d. ca. 1715, having had issue, two sons:
      (1) Tuan Long Pandak bin Tuan Sulung, Dato' Sri Maharaja of Kelantan Barat, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Raja Long Pandak ibni al-Marhum Tuan Sulong, Raja of Kelantan - see below.
      (2) Tuan Long Muhammad, Raja Muda, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Raja Long Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Tuan Sulong, Raja of Kelantan - see below.
      ii) Tuan Long Nik bin Wan Daim, Dato' Pujud, of Rehman, in Upper Perak. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:
      (1) Tuan Long Nuh, Dato' Pujud, who became Paduka Sri Raja Nuh bin Long Nik, Raja of Patani - see Thailand (Patani).
      (2) Tuan Long Man bin Long Nik. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      (3) Tuan Long Gaffar [Ga'apar] bin Long Nik, Tengku Sri Maharaja Perdana Mantri. Appointed as Chief Minister by Long Yunus of Kelantan with the title of Tengku Sri Maharaja Perdana Mantri, before 12th July 1763. He d. before 29th July 1794 (bur. Limbat), having had issue, a son:
      (a) Engku Long Sri bin Tuan Long Gaffar, Tengku Sri Maharaja, of Jeram. He supposedly d. aged 137 years, having had issue, fifteen sons and four daughters:
      (i) Engku Long Mansur bin Engku Long Sri.
      (ii) Engku Long Demor bin Engku Long Sri, Tengku Sri Maharaja, of Jeram. He had issue:
      1. Engku Chik Pandak bin Engku Long Demor, Tengku Sri Maharaja Tua. DH of Jeram from 1878 (bur. Kota Jeram). m. Engku Timun binti Engku Long Senik, daughter of Engku Long Senik bin Engku Long Besar Jenal [Ku Nik Tengah]. He had issue:
      a. Tuan Ahmad bin Engku Chik Pandak, Engku Besar of Jeram. DH of Jeram until 1905. Rebelled against the authority of the Sultan of Kelantan and attempted to set up his own state, April 1915. Fled to Reman when the Sultan re-established his authority with British help at the end of May.
      (iii) Engku Chik Tua bin Engku Long Sri, of Machang.
      (iv) Engku Lembek bin Engku Long Sri, of Machang.
      (v) Engku Tuan 'Abdu'l Samad bin Engku Long Sri, of Pulai Chendong, Machang.Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      (vi) Engku Ahmad bin Engku Long Sri, of Binjai. m. Engku Ta/To' (LY). He had issue, three sons and two daughters:
      1. Engku Besar bin Engku Ahmad. m. Puan Zainab. He had issue.
      2. Engku Mahmud bin Engku Ahmad.
      3. Engku Ibrahim bin Engku Ahmad.
      1. Engku Mariam binti Engku Ahmad. m. Y.M. Tengku Zainal, a first cousin, grandson of Engku Long Sri, of Binjai. She had issue, two sons and one daughter.
      2 Engku Kalsum binti Engku Ahmad.
      (vii) Engku Senik bin Engku Long Sri, of Kelaweh, Machang.
      (viii) Engku Sungai bin Engku Long Sri, of Seligi, Pasir Puteh.
      (ix) Engku Serdang bin Engku Long Sri, of Melor, Kuala Bharu.
      (x) Engku Pandak bin Engku Long Sri, of Kekabu, Thailand.
      (xi) Engku Binjai bin Engku Long Sri, Machang.
      (xii) Engku Tuan Dogol bin Engku Long Sri, Machang.
      (xiii) Engku Bulat bin Engku Long Sri, Machang.
      (xiv) Engku Chik Ja'adi bin Engku Long Sri, of Jelor, Pasir Puteh.
      (xv) Engku Chik Berang bin Engku Long Sri.
      (i) Engku Tan Kembang binti Engku Long Sri.
      (ii) Engku Neng binti Engku Long Sri.
      (iii) Engku Tuan Nateh binti Engku Long Sri.
      (ix) Engku Potek binti Engku Long Sri.
      (b) Engku Long Besar Zainal Abidin bin Tuan Long Gaffar [Ku Limbat Jenal], Engku Sri Perdana Mantri. Chief Minister of Kelantan 1838-1851. He d. 1851, having had issue:
      (i) Engku Long Senik bin Engku Long Besar Jenal [Ku Nik Tengah]. He had issue, five sons and one daughters:
      1. Engku Chik Leper bin Engku Long Senik.
      2. Engku Ahmad bin Engku Long Senik.
      3. Engku Besar Sulaiman bin Engku Long Senik.
      4. Engku Laboh bin Engku Long Senik [Bongkok].
      5. Engku Bongsu bin Engku Long Senik.
      1. Engku Timun binti Engku Long Senik. m. Engku Chik Pandak bin Engku Long Demor, Tengku Sri Maharaja Tua DH of Jeram from 1878 (bur. Kota Jeram), son of Engku Long Demor bin Engku Long Sri, Tengku Sri Maharaja, of Jeram. She had issue - see above.
      (1) Tuan Engku (Tengku) Tengah. m. Paduka Sri Raja Long Pandak ibni al-Marhum Tuan Sulong, Raja of Kelantan. She was k. by her hsuband who suspected her fidelity, at Fort Kubang Labu, Kelantan, 1758 - see below.
      iii) Tuan Besar bin Wan Daim, of Kelantan. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:
      (1) Tuan Long Nik Bahar, Dato' Laksamana, who became Paduka Sri Sultan Long Bahar ibni al-Marhum Wan Daim, Raja of Kelantan and Patani - see below.
      (2) Tuan Senik bin Wan Daim. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      (3) Tuan Kundor bin Wan Daim. He had issue, a son:
      (a) Tuan Membunga. He had issue, a son:
      (i) Engku Temana, of Sabak. He d. after 1838.
      (1) Tuan Melor binti Wan Daim.
      iv) Tuan Long Senik bin Wan Daim [Ketabar Getting], Dato' Wuk. He had issue, a son:
      (1) Tuan Long Deraman, who became Raja 'Abdu'l-Rahman bin Tuan Long Senik, Raja of Ligor - see Thailand (Ligor).
      5) Wan 'Abdu'l Rahman [Drahman] bin 'Ali.
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1721 - 1734 Paduka Sri Sultan Long Bahar ibni al-Marhum Wan Daim, Raja of Jembal (North Kelantan) and Patani, son of Wan Daim bin Wan Nik Badr us-Salam, Dato' Pengkalan Tua and Dato' Jambu of Patani. Styled Laksamana and Tuan Long Besar before his accession. Succeeded his father-in-law, as Regent 1715. Became Raja of Patani soon afterwards, but was expelled by Raja Bendang Badan in 1716. Succeeded on the death of his grand father-in-law, as Raja of Kelantan-Utara (Jembal), before 22nd October 1721. Assumed the title of Sultan. m. (first) Raja Mas Kelantan, Raja Perempuan of Patani (d. 1707), daughter of Raja Bakar [Kampung Teluk], Raja of Patani. m. (second) Raja Pah binti Raja Sakti, daughter of Raja Sakti II bin Raja Umar, Raja of Kelantan. He d. before 23rd May 1734 (bur. Kota Bharu), having had issue, one son and two daughters:
      1) Tuan Wan Anom Long Nik Sulaiman, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Raja Long Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Bahar, Raja of Jembal (North Kelantan) (s/o Raja Mas Kelantan) - see below.
      2) Tuan Long Yunus, Dato Charakan, who succeeded as Sri Paduka Sultan Haji Yunus ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Bahar, Raja of Patani (s/o Raja Pah) - see Thailand (Patani).
      1) Nang Roqaiya, Che' Puan Besar. m. H.H. Sultan Zainal-Abidin I bin Dato' Bendahara Tun Habib 'Abdu'l Majid, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu (b. 1677; d. at Bukit Nangka, 7th March 1733), younger son of Tun Habib 'Abdu'l-Majid bin Mat Ali, Dato Bendahara Sri Maharaja Padang Saujana of Johor. She had issue - see Malaysia (Trengganu).
      2) Nang Chayang [Raja Dewi Perachu], Raja Perempuan of Patani (d/o Raja Mas Kelantan) 1710-1715 and 1716-1719. m. the Raja of Patani.
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1734-1739 and 1746-1756 Paduka Sri Raja Long Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Bahar, Raja of Jembal (North Kelantan), eldest son of Paduka Sri Sultan Long Bahar ibni al-Marhum Raja Daim, Raja of Jembal (North Kelantan) and Patani, by his first wife, Raja Mas Kelantan, Raja Perempuan of Patani. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1734. Deposed by his cousin, 1739. Restored 1746 and deposed again by his son-in-law, 1756. He d. 1798, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
      1) Tuan Long Yunus, Dato Charakan, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Long Yunus ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Sulaiman, Raja of Kelantan-Utara (Jembal) - see below.
      1) Tuan Wan Dewi binti al-Marhum Sultan Long Sulaiman.
      2) Tuan Wan Kembang binti al-Marhum Sultan Long Sulaiman. m. ca. 1756, Paduka Sri Raja Long 'Abdu'l-Rahman [Deraman] bin Tuan Long Senik, Raja of Ligor (bur. Kota Bharu), third son of Tuan Long Senik bin Wan Daim [Ketabar Getting], Dato' Wuk - see Thailand (Patani).
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1756 - 1758 Paduka Sri Raja Long Pandak* ibni al-Marhum Tuan Sulong, Raja of Kelantan, son of Tuan Sulung bin Wan Daim, Dato' Kelantan-Barat (West Kelantan). Succeeded as ruler of Kelantan-Barat (West Kelantan), ca. 1717. Granted the title of Dato' Sri Maharaja by Sultan Sulaiman of Johor, 7th January 1741. Recognised as ruler of Kelantan by his brother-in-law, Long Derahman, and installed at Fort Kubang Labu, 1756. m. Tuan Engku (Tengku) Tengah (k. by her husband who suspected her fidelity, at Fort Kubang Labu, Kelantan, 1758), daughter of Tuan Long Nik bin Wan Daim, Datu Pujud, of Rehman, in Patani. He was k. by his father-in-law, in retaliation for murdering his consort, at Fort Kubang Labu, Kelantan, 4th September 1758.
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1758 - 1763 Paduka Sri Raja Long Muhammad* ibni al-Marhum Tuan Sulong, Raja of Kelantan, son of Tuan Sulung bin Wan Daim, Dato' Kelantan Barat. Appointed Heir Apparent by his brother, with the title of Raja Muda, 1756. Proclaimed as Raja of Kelantan by Long Derahman, at Fort Kubang Labu, before 4th September 1758. Expelled from Kubang Labu by Long Yunus, before 12th July 1763.
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1795 - 1800 Kelantan ruled by Trengganu under the Viceroyalty of Tengku Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur, as Deputy Ruler or Yang di-Pertuan Muda.
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1801 – 1835 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad I Khalilu’llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Yunus [Sultan Mandul], Raja and Yang di-Pertuan of Kelantan b. at Losong, 1741, second son of Sultan Long Yunus bin Long Sulaiman, Raja and Yang di-Pertuan of Kelantan, by his wife, Tuan Encik Jumat, Che’ Puan Balai Dua, daughter of Engku Tanang Wangsa, of Trengganu, educ. privately. Installed as Raja of Kubang Labu, Kelantan Barat, 1756. Expelled his brother-in-law and the Trengganu faction, with Chinese help, before 15th May 1801. Installed as Raja and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan 17th November 1801, when Kelantan became a separate tributary state of Siam in 1812. m. Q... (m. second, ..., and had issue, a son). He d.s.p.m. at Pulau Saba, 25th June 1835 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar, Kota Bharu) (succ. by his cousin).
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1835 (Jun-Aug) Y.T.M. Tengku Long Zainal ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Yunus [Long Jenal].
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1835 – 1838 Interregnum.
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1835 - 1886 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad II ibni al-Marhum Tengku Temenggong Long Tan [Sultan Mulut Merah], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. b. ca. 1794, as Long Senik, fourth son
      of Tengku Long Tan ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Yunus, Tengku Temenggong Aria Pahlawan, educ. privately. Adopted by his childless uncle, Sultan Muhammad I. Raised to the title of Tengku Temenggong Aria Pahlawan 25th June 1835. Rebelled against his cousin, attacked his fort and attempted to assume supreme authority, 25th August 1835. As a consequence of continuing dissension within the Royal Family, he was obliged, by virtue of a Siamese compromise, to share power with his uncle, Tengku Long Zainal. The latter styled Yang di-Pertuan Muda; Muhammad being styled Raja and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Kelantan ca July 1838. Recognised as ruler by the King of Siam and raised to the title of Phaya Visit Bakdiya Sri Sultan Muhammad Ratna Nuchitra Sri Sundhana Buwanabakdi Varman Phya Kelantan (Pipitpakdi Sri Sultan Muhammad Ratna Nuchit Siti Santun Bua (or Bru) Bahdi Wangsa Pia Kelantan) April 1839, and prom to Phraya Deva Kelantan 1845. Raised to the title of Phraya Dejanujitha Mahesvara Rajanukula Vibunlayabakdi Sri Sultan Muhammad Rattanathada Mahapadhana
    • Sulaiman Dawud Adikara of Muang Kelantan (Phraya Dechanuchit Mahitsa Rajanukula Wibunlaya Phakdi Seri Sultan Muhammad Rattanathada Mahapathanathikan Pusamkan Mebun Kelantan) by King Rama V of Siam 4th March 1877. Thereafter assumed the style of Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. m. (first) H.H. Sultana Batoh [To’] binti Tuan Long Yusuf [Tuan Besar], granted the title of Tengku Ampuan, and later promoted to Sultana 4th March 1877, youngest daughter of Y.M. Tuan Long Yusuf ibni al-Marhum Sultan Long Yunus, of Bukit Panjor. m. (second) Y.M. Engku Putri Neng binti Engku Long Sri, Raja Perempuan Gunung (d. at Kota Bharu, before 9th August 1873; bur. Langgar Limbat, Pasir Tumboh), daughter of Y.M. Engku Long Sri bin Tuan Long Gaffar, Tengku Sri Maharaja, of Jeram. m. (third) Nik Embong. m. (fourth?) Ku Senik Tendong, Raja Perempuan II. He d. at the Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 30th October 1886 (bur. there at the Royal Cemetery, Langgar), having had issue, two sons and one daughter:
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1886 - 1890 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad [Sultan Tengah], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. b. before 20th November 1831, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad II ibni al-Marhum Tengku Temenggong Long Tan, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan, educ. privately. Raised to the title of Tengku Besar by his father, and Phya Rajadadhipati Putrapurutravisesa by King Rama IV of Siam 1860. Appointed as Siamese Governor over Kelantan, prom to the title of Phraya Rajadipati Putrapurutravisesa Pradisvara Rajanarubadindra Surindra Ravivamsa and presented with a Sword of Honour, 14th June 1869. Succeeded on the death of his father, 30th October 1886. Installed as Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan on the same day. m. nine wives, including (first) (div.) Engku Selia Raja. m. (second) a daughter of Y.T.M. Tengku Senik bin Tengku Temenggong Long Tan [Tuan Mika], Paduka Sri Sultan Deva Maharaja, sometime Governor of Penambang and Jering in Patani. m. (third) Nik Embong, a lady from Palembang. m. (fourth) Nik Halima. He d. at Istana Jahar, Kota Bharu, 8th March 1890 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), having had issue, fourteen sons and thirteen daughters
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1890 - 1891 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad III ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad [Sultan Bongsu], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. b. 1845, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Muhammad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan, educ. privately. Appointed Raja Bendahara and Tengku Sri Indra before his accession. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Raja Kelantan, 30th September 1887. Succeeded on the death of his father, 8th March 1890. Installed as Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar, at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bahru, 23rd September 1890. m. (first) H.H. Tengku Sofia binti al-Marhum Tengku Putih, Tengku Ampuan, eldest daughter of H.H. Tengku Puteh ibni al-Marhum Sultan Phaya Long Muhammad, Raja of the State of Patani, by his first wife, Tengku Putri Cik binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad [Engku Na Nik], Tengku Raja, daughter H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad II ibni al-Marhum Tengku Temenggong Long Tan, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. m. (second) …He d. at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bahru, 11th May 1891 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), having had issue, five sons and four (or five?) daughters
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1891 - 1900 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Tengah [Sultan Mandul], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. b. 1870, second son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Muhammad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Presumptive with the title of Raja Muda, 30th September 1887. Installed as Heir Apparent and regent for his brother, with the title of Raja Kelantan, 23rd September 1890. Succeeded on his death, as Yang di-Pertuan, 11th May 1891. Granted the title of Phra Visit Bakdiya (Phra Bipitpakdi), 1897. Proclaimed as Paduka Sri Sultan, 26th July 1898. m. Y.M. Engku Nik binti al-Marham Raja Patani (d. after 1897). He d.s.p. at Istana Johar, Kota Bharu, 17th June 1899 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar).
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1900 - 1920 H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Muhammad IV ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad III, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Da’ar ul-Na’im, KCMG (1.1.1913). b. at Kota Bharu, 23rd May 1870, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad III ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan, by his first wife, H.H. Tengku Sofia binti al-Marhum Tengku Putih, Tengku Ampuan, eldest daughter of Tengku Puteh ibni al-Marhum al-Marhum Sultan Phaya Long Muhammad, Raja of the State of Patani, educ. privately. Granted the title of Tengku Sri Indra, 23rd September 1890. Appointed as Heir Presumptive with the title of Raja Muda 25th July 1898. Granted the tile of Phaya Bpakdi Sri Sultan Muhammad Ratna Nuchit Siti Santun Wiwangsa Pia Kelantan by the King of Siam. Succeeded on the death of his childless uncle, 17th June 1899. Installed as Raja Kelantan and Yang di-Pertuan, with the style of Yang Teramat Mulia, 9th February 1900. Granted the title of Phaya Deja by the King of Siam in 1897, and prom. to Phaya Bipitpakdi 1900. Kelantan was transferred to British Protection, 19th July 1909. Crowned as Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Muhammad IV with the style of Duli Yang Maha Mulia, and granted a permanent salute of 17-guns, 22nd June 1911. Altered the name of the state to Negeri Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, July 1916. Founded the Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat di-Hormatai (Royal Family Order) and the Paduka Mahkota Kelantan al-Muhammad (the Order of the Crown of Kelantan of Muhammad), 1916. Rcvd: GC Order of the Crown of Siam (1905). m. (first) 1888, Nik Wan Zainab binti Nik Wan Muhammad Amin [H.H. Sultana Zainab] (b. 1877; d. at Kota Bharu, 23rd July 1928, bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), crowned as Sultana at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 15th February 1916, daughter of Nik Wan Muhammad Amin bin Wan ‘Abdu’l gallaran Ngah. m. (second) Cik Jarah binte Encik Yusuf. He d. at the Istana, Kota Bharu, 23rd December 1920 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), having had issue, four sons and four daughters
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1920 - 1944 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ismail I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, KCMG (2.1.1922). b. at Kota Bahru, 20th August 1880, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Muhammad IV ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad III, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Da'ar ul-Na'im, KCMG, by his wife, H.H. Sultana Zainab, educ. privately. Granted the title of Tengku Sri Jaya Raja, and prom. to Tengku Sri Indra Mahkota 11th March 1901. Granted the title of Phra Rattasadana Adipati Putra (Phra Ratsada Tibodi But) by the King of Siam 1901. Appointed as Heir Apparent and formally invested with the title of Raja Kelantan and the style of Mulia (His Highness), 22nd June 1911. MSC Kelantan 1900-1920. Succeeded on the death of his father, 23rd December 1920. Crowned at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 28th April 1921. Founded the Most Honourable Order of the Life of the Crown of Kelantan or, the Star of Ismail I 1925, etc. m. (first) H.H. Tengku Petri binti Tengku Long, Tengku Ampuan, second daughter of Y.M. Tengku Long bin Tengku Ngah [Long Besut], Tengku Sri Indra Segara, of Besut, in Trengganu, by his first wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Embong binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad, third daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad III ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. m. (second) 1915, Y.M. Tengku Nik bin Tengku Kaya Pahlawan, daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Chik, Tengku Kaya Pahlawan. m. (third) Wan Mek, from Bukit Marak. m. (fourth) H.H. Tengku Sri Mariam binti Tengku Ahmad, daughter of Tengku Ahmad, by his wife, a daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Muhammad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Kelantan. He d. from tuberculosis, at Istana Jahar, Kota Bharu, 20th June 1944 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), having had issue
    • Pengeran Sharif Naga Berapi Kelantan akan bangkitkan singa kubro..panji pertama...
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1944 - 1960 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad IV, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, KCMG (10.6.1948, CMG 4.6.1934). b. at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 9th October 1897, second son of H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Muhammad IV ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad III, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Da’ar ul-Na’im, KCMG, by his wife, H.H. Sultana Zainab, educ. privately. Granted the title of Tengku Sri Indra Mahkota by his father, 22nd June 1911. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Raja Kelantan and the style of Yang Teramat Mulia (His Highness), 21st April 1921. ADC to his father 1911-1920, MSC 1913-1941, Presdt Brd. of Religious Affairs and Malay Customs 1919-1944, State Sec 1921-1929, Representative of the Sultan in Singapore 1942. Succeeded on the death of his brother, 20th June 1944. Proclaimed 21st June 1944 and crowned at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 25th October 1944. Attended the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in London 1953 Rcvd: DMN (31.8.1958), DK of Johor (17.9.1953), Silver Jubilee (1935) and Coron (1937 & 1953) medals, etc. m. (first) at the Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 6th July 1914, H.R.H. Sultana Zainab binti Tengku Zainal Abidin, Raja Perempuan (b. 1897; d. 28th September 1985, bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar, Kota Bharu), granted the title of Tengku Embong with the style of Yang Amat Mulia 6th July 1914, and crowned with her husband as Raja Perempuan 25th October 1944, daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Long Zainal Abidin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad III, Raja Dewa. m. (second) at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 1915 (div. 1929) Y.A.M. Tengku Yah binti Tengku Long Sulaiman, Tengku Maharani Petri (d. at Padang Garong, Kota Bharu, before 19th February 1951, bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), granted the title of Tengku Maharani Petri with the style of Yang Amat Mulia, daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Long Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad [Tuan Man], Tengku Sri Pekerma Raja, by his wife, Engku Hajjah Amina binti Engku Long Demor, elder daughter of Engku Long Demor bin Engku Long Sri, Tengku Sri Maharaja, sometime DH of Jeram. m. (third) 1916, Y.M. Cik Embong binti Daud, Che’ Puan Besar (b. 1899; d. at Istana Batu, Kota Bharu, 31st December 1971, bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar). m. (fourth) Cik Siti. m. (fifth) Cik Safiah. m. (sixth) Cik Habiba. He d. from a cerebral haemorrhage, at Istana Sri Cemerlang, Kota Bharu, 9th July 1960 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar), having had issue, eleven (or twelve) sons and fourteen daughters
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1960 - 1979 Colonel H.R.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Yahya Petra ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, CMG (5.6.1952). b. at Istana Kota Lama, Sungai Kelantan, Kota Bharu, 10th December 1917, second son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad IV, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, KCMG, by his third wife, , Y.M. Cik Embong binti Daud, Che’ Puan Besar, educ. Francis Light Sch, Georgetown, Penang, and in England. Raised by his heirless uncle, Sultan Ismail I. Invested with the title of Tengku Temenggong 21st July 1939, and prom to Tengku Bendahara 6th February 1945. Appointed as Heir Apparent in preference to his eldest brother and granted the title of Tengku Mahkota and style of Yang Teramat Mulia, 1st February 1948. Formally invested at the Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 19th June 1948. Vice-Presdt of the Council of Religion & Malay Customs 1941-1947, Private Sec to the Sultan 1943-1944, Asst State Treasurer 1944-1945, Territorial Chief (Ketua Jajahan) of Kota Bharu 1945-1948, Presdt of the Council of Religion & Malay Customs 1948-1953, and Regent of Kelantan 3rd to 30th June 1953 and 12th August to 12th December 1958. Succeeded on the death of his father, 9th July 1960. Installed at the Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 10th December 1960, and crowned there by the Tengku Panglima Raja 17th July 1961. Became Deputy Supreme Head of State Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong from 22nd July 1970, and King of Malaysia with the title of Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong and style of Majesty, 21st September 1975. Col-in-Chief the Malaysian Artillery Regt, 29/6/1966-1979. Patron The Kelantan Royal Project. Rcvd: DKM, DK (21.7.1939), DMN (17.7.1961), and SMN (31.8.1958) of Malaysia, SPMK (9.8.1950), SJMK (9.8.1959), SPSK, DK of Brunei (1961), Trengganu (23.6.1964), Selangor (21.7.1966), Kedah (5.7.1969), Pahang, and Perlis (13.2.1978), and DP of Sarawak, Queen Elizabeth II Coron Medal (1953), etc. m. (first) at the Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 4th June 1939, H.R.H. Tengku Zainab binti Tengku Muhammad Petra, Raja Perempuan (b. at Kota Bharu, 7th August 1917; d. at Istana Negeri, Kubang Kerian, 9th January 1992, bur. at the Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar, Kota Bharu), educ. privately, raised to the title of Tengku Ampuan Mahkota with the style of Yang Teramat Mulia 9th August 1956, crowned as Raja Perempuan with the style of Duli Yang Maha Mulia (Her Highness) at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 17th July 1961, Presdt Kelantan Girl Guides Assoc, Organiser State Poppy Day Fund, Advisor The Kelantan Royal Project, rcvd: DK (10.7.1960), SPMK (9.8.1956), and DMN of Malaysia (28.2.1976), daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Muhammad Petra bin Tengku Idris, Tengku Sri Utama Raja, by his wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Kembang Petri binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad IV, Tengku Maharani Petri, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Muhammad IV ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad III, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Da’ar ul-Na’im, KCMG. m. (second) ... m. (third) Y.M. Tengku Alexandria binti Tengku Yusuf [Elekzandariah], sister of Y.M. Tengku Amri bin Tengku Yusuf and Y.M. Tengku Muhammad bin Tengku Yusuf. m. (fourth) ... He d. from heart failure at Istana Negara, Kuala Lumpur, 29th March 1979 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Kampung Langgar, Kota Bharu), having had issue, two sons and five daughters
    • Sulaiman Dawud 1979 – 2010 Major-General H.R.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ismail Petra ibni al-Marhum Sultan Yahya Petra, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Da’ar ul-Na’im. b. at Istana Jahar, Kota Bharu, 11th November 1949, eldest son of Colonel H.R.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Yahya Petra ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Dar ul-Naim, GCMG, by his wife, H.R.H. Tengku Zainab binti Tengku Muhammad Petra, Raja Perempuan, daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Muhammad Petra bin Tengku Idris, Tengku Sri Utama Raja, educ. privately and at Sultan Ismail Coll, Kota Bharu. Installed as Heir Apparent with the title of Tengku Mahkota, 11th November 1967. Attache State Secretariat and Kota Bharu Land Office 1968. Served as Regent during the absence of his father from the state, 6th to 25th July 1974, 12th July to 28th August 1975, and from 21st September 1975 to 29th March 1979. Succeeded on the death of his father, 29th March 1979. Crowned at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 30th March 1980. He was formally deposed in favour of his eldest son by the Kelantan Royal Succession Council of State, on the grounds of incapacity after failing to fully recover from a debilitating stroke, 13th September 2010 (after an amendment to the state constitution gazetted 22nd July 2010). Thereafter styled Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ismail Petra (instead of Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Kelantan). Maj TA 1/11/1974, prom Hon Lieut-Col 1/1/1976, Hon Col 15/3/1988, and Hon Maj-Gen, Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Artillery Regt 1997, and of the Royal Intelligence Corps. Hon D.Phil (Univ Malaysia Sabah) 2007. Patron Royal Kelantan Club until 1992. Rcvd: DK, SPMK, SJMK, SPKK, SPSK, DMN, SMN (25.2.1959), DK of Negri Sembilan, Selangor (13.11.1988), Johor, Kedah, Perak, Trengganu, and Perlis, DKMB of Brunei, DPSS of Sarawak, DP of Sarawak. m. (first) at Istana Kota Lama, Kota Bharu, 4th December 1968 (nikah) and at Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 12th March 1969 (zifaf), H.R.H. Tengku Anis binti Tengku ‘Abdu’l Hamid, Raja Perempuan (b. at Aplm Manor, 6th January 1949), educ. Sultana Zainab Sch, Kota Bharu, granted the title of Tengku Ampuan Mahkota 1st January 1969, and crowned with her husband as Raja Perempuan 30th March 1980, rcvd: DK, DK of Brunei, Negri Sembilan, and Perlis, DK 1st class of Johor, SPMK, SPMP of Perlis (1988), and DK 2nd class of Selangor, third daughter of Y.M. Tengku ‘Abdu’l Hamid bin Tengku Muda, of Jering (Yambu), Patani, Thailand, by his wife, Y.M. Tengku Azizah binti Tengku Muhammad Hamzah, daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Muhammad Hamzah bin Tengku Zainal Abidin, Tengku Sri Maharaja, OBE, sometime Chief Minister of Kelantan. m. (second) at Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 23rd December 2007 (div. at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore, 12th February 2010), Cik Puan Elia Suhana binti Ahmad (b. 1979), daughter of Encik Ahmad bin ‘Abdu’l Hamid. He has issue, three sons and one daughter
    • Sulaiman Dawud 2010 - Brigadier-General H.R.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad V ibni Sultan Ismail Petra, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Da’ar ul-Na’im. b. at Istana Batu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 6th October 1969, eldest son of Major-General H.R.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ismail Petra ibni al-Marhum Sultan Yahya Petra, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Kelantan Da’ar ul-Na’im, by his wife, H.R.H. Tengku Anis binti Tengku ‘Abdu’l Hamid, Raja Perempuan, educ. Tadika Fatima Convent, and Sultan Ismail Sch, Satu, Kota Bharu; Alice Smith Sch, Kuala Lumpur; Oakham Sch, Rutland, St Cross Coll, Oxford, the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies; Huron Univ Coll, London, Ontario, Canada; Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung (DSE), Berlin, Germany; and the European Business Sch, London. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Tengku Mahkota 30th March 1979 and formally installed at Balairong Sri, Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu 6th October 1985. Mbr Kelantan Royal Council 1985-2010. Appointed as Regent on behalf of his incapacitated father after he suffered a serious stroke, 24th May 2009. Formally installed as Regent and acting Sultan of Kelantan with the style of Yang Maha Mulia (His Royal Highness) at Balairong Sri, Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 25th May 2009. Proclaimed as Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad V ibni Sultan Ismail Petra by the Kelantan Royal Succession Council of State, following the deposition of his ailing father, at Balairong Sri, Istana Balai Besar, Kota Bharu, 13th September 2010. Became Deputy Supreme Head of State of Malaysia with the title of Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong 13th December 2011. Cdt 506 Regt, TA. Hon Brig-Gen Royal Malaysian Army. Rcvd: DK (11.11.1986), SPMK, SJMK, SPSK, DKI of Selangor (11.12.2010), DKNS (13.1.2011), etc. m. at the Istana Negeri in Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 15th November 2004, H.H. Tengku Zubaida binti Tengku Nur ud-din, Tengku Ampuan Mahkota (b. at the Royal Palace, Jering, 1979), née Kangsadarn Pipitpakdee, styled Tengku Ampuan Mahkota with the style of Yang Teramat Mulia (Her Highness) from 15th November 2004, paternal first cousin of his mother and second daughter of Y.M. Tengku Nur ud-din bin Tengku Muda Muhammad [Vairoj Pipitpakdee], of Jering, in Patani, sometime MP for Jering in the Thai Parliament, by his wife, Cik Jamila binti Cik ‘Abdu’llah.
    • Sulaiman Dawud Alhamdulillah..Wallahu A'lamu Bish Shawwab
    • Ratu Rimba Niagara Terima kasih Sulaiman Dawud atas usaha mu memperkenal sejarah-sejarah nusantara di mata dunia...tabik sama sobat pejuang sejarah nusantara. Izinkan hamba coppy setiap bahan yang disiarkan untuk disebar luaskan di seluruh dunia dan di seluruh bumi nusantara Insya-Allah Aamiin.
    • Sulaiman Dawud Silahkan dishare...tuan Ratu Rimba Niagara
    • Ratu Rimba Niagara Terima kasih Sulaiman Dawud. Moga Allah SWT Merahmati hidup dan matimu. Aamiin Ya Rabbal A'Lamin.
    • Sulaiman Dawud Amiin Yaa Robbal 'Alaamiin

      20 Muharram 1434H
      4 Disember 2012M

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