Saturday, 11 May 2013


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    • "In the concept of Self-Control Triangular Pyramid: (Formula Perfection Life) Moral degradation is always followed by a variety of risk (as a result) due to any reason, including the fragility of faith begins-so quality of piety which followed a trip to meet the needs of process does not meet the rules of Self-Control Concept Triangular Pyramid. Where the mind is more deified than optimize function Intellect Intellect-being serves as a brake life. People are rational-Intellect is Believers Faith, without reason, faith in God will never meet. "(Present by Sultan Muda)
      47 minutes ago

    • kenapa aku selalu memikirkan kamu kadang2 aku sendiri cuba menghilangkan perasaan itu
      Wednesday at 7:58pm

    • ANNOUNCEMENT the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH Based on the Notification the Chairman of Agency Honorary United Nations (Chairman United Nations) dated 9 July 2012; Statement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 20 July 2012; Statement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 20 October 2012; Announcement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 27 August 2012; and the Announcement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 21 November 2012; I the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH ON BEHALF OF GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD been official and legitimate as : 1. Chairman of Agency Honorary State of the Republic of Indonesia Which the is Chairman United Nations and the Chairman of Agency Honorary United Nations the Holders Highest Power United Nations and International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 2. Leader Highest, the Leader Largest and the Holders Highest Power of Security Council United Nations, Military, Police and People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 3. Holders highest Power of polity International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 4. Holders Highest Power of Finance of the United Nations, International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 5. Holders Highest Power of Policy of the United Nations, International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 6. Chairman, the Leader Highest and Holders Highest Power of the Revolutionaries the Mandate of Suffering People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 7. President of the Republic of Indonesia, President of the United States, President Syria and Holders Highest Power Deliberative and Representative of the People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 8. Chairman of Agency Honorary Special Capital Region of Bau-Bau, Governor the Special Capital Region of Bau-Bau and Regent of Buton. 9. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth of GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD. 10. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth the Universe BOTANICAL. 11. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth all Countries in World. 12. Holders Highest Power and the Owner entire Wealth Union Bank Switzerland, the World Bank, entire Bank of Government and Bank Private all Countries in the World. 13. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Wealth State of the Republic of Indonesia and Archipelago. 14. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Treasure Trove and entire of Treasure heirloom all Countries in the World. 15. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Wealth Prophet Sulaiman and entire Prophets. 16. Which entitled and authorized put out the Gold in form money in the form securities as currencies International and Tools Internasional Payment the legitimate with value U.S Dollar, EURO, Pound Sterling, REAL, Dinar, Dirham, Franc, Pound, Rupee, Shilling, Won, Yen, Yuan, Kroon, Ringgit, Peso, Gulden, Rupiah and the others. 17. Holders Highest Power and the Owner the Gold in form money in form securities as currency Internasional and Tools Internasional Payment the legitimate with value U.S Dollar, EURO, Pound Sterling, REAL, Dinar, Dirham, Franc, Pound, Rupee, Shilling, Won, Yen, Yuan, Kroon, Ringgit, Peso, Gulden, Rupiah and the others. 18. Which entitled and Authorized put out entire the types gems and Valuables other in form money in form the securities in any form. 19. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire types gems and Valuables other in form money in form the securities in any form. 20. Holders Highest Power of Defense, Security, investigation, prosecution, Courts and Law Internasional (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. Bau-Bau, 5 January 2013 ON BEHALF OF GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD be signed and stamped the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH
      Wednesday at 1:36am
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