Saturday, 11 May 2013


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    • "In the concept of Self-Control Triangular Pyramid: (Formula Perfection Life) Moral degradation is always followed by a variety of risk (as a result) due to any reason, including the fragility of faith begins-so quality of piety which followed a trip to meet the needs of process does not meet the rules of Self-Control Concept Triangular Pyramid. Where the mind is more deified than optimize function Intellect Intellect-being serves as a brake life. People are rational-Intellect is Believers Faith, without reason, faith in God will never meet. "(Present by Sultan Muda)
      about an hour ago

    • kenapa aku selalu memikirkan kamu kadang2 aku sendiri cuba menghilangkan perasaan itu
      Wednesday at 7:58pm

    • ANNOUNCEMENT the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH Based on the Notification the Chairman of Agency Honorary United Nations (Chairman United Nations) dated 9 July 2012; Statement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 20 July 2012; Statement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 20 October 2012; Announcement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 27 August 2012; and the Announcement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 21 November 2012; I the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH ON BEHALF OF GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD been official and legitimate as : 1. Chairman of Agency Honorary State of the Republic of Indonesia Which the is Chairman United Nations and the Chairman of Agency Honorary United Nations the Holders Highest Power United Nations and International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 2. Leader Highest, the Leader Largest and the Holders Highest Power of Security Council United Nations, Military, Police and People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 3. Holders highest Power of polity International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 4. Holders Highest Power of Finance of the United Nations, International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 5. Holders Highest Power of Policy of the United Nations, International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 6. Chairman, the Leader Highest and Holders Highest Power of the Revolutionaries the Mandate of Suffering People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 7. President of the Republic of Indonesia, President of the United States, President Syria and Holders Highest Power Deliberative and Representative of the People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 8. Chairman of Agency Honorary Special Capital Region of Bau-Bau, Governor the Special Capital Region of Bau-Bau and Regent of Buton. 9. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth of GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD. 10. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth the Universe BOTANICAL. 11. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth all Countries in World. 12. Holders Highest Power and the Owner entire Wealth Union Bank Switzerland, the World Bank, entire Bank of Government and Bank Private all Countries in the World. 13. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Wealth State of the Republic of Indonesia and Archipelago. 14. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Treasure Trove and entire of Treasure heirloom all Countries in the World. 15. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Wealth Prophet Sulaiman and entire Prophets. 16. Which entitled and authorized put out the Gold in form money in the form securities as currencies International and Tools Internasional Payment the legitimate with value U.S Dollar, EURO, Pound Sterling, REAL, Dinar, Dirham, Franc, Pound, Rupee, Shilling, Won, Yen, Yuan, Kroon, Ringgit, Peso, Gulden, Rupiah and the others. 17. Holders Highest Power and the Owner the Gold in form money in form securities as currency Internasional and Tools Internasional Payment the legitimate with value U.S Dollar, EURO, Pound Sterling, REAL, Dinar, Dirham, Franc, Pound, Rupee, Shilling, Won, Yen, Yuan, Kroon, Ringgit, Peso, Gulden, Rupiah and the others. 18. Which entitled and Authorized put out entire the types gems and Valuables other in form money in form the securities in any form. 19. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire types gems and Valuables other in form money in form the securities in any form. 20. Holders Highest Power of Defense, Security, investigation, prosecution, Courts and Law Internasional (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. Bau-Bau, 5 January 2013 ON BEHALF OF GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD be signed and stamped the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH
      Wednesday at 1:36am

    •  Worldly THAT IF THINGS FOR SURE "will be left OFF" WE ARE SERIOUS, AND DARE earnest INVEST COST, TIME, MIND, HEART, ENERGY, CONCENTRATION. DO NOT FORGET TO LET OUR CHILDREN Arm armed with ETERNAL LIFE. SCIENCE SCIENCE-RELIGION / Koran are stock ETERNAL LIFE, AND IT'S Essence future supplies REAL. Life Itself in the World is like Musafir Of Ibn Umar radhiallohu 'anhuma he said: "Rosululloh Allaah alaihi wa sallam never hold both shoulder as he said," Be thou in the world like a stranger or a wayfarer. " Ibn Umar said: "If you are in the afternoon do not wait for the morning and if you are in the morning do not wait for the afternoon. * Use your common past and future life before the illness before death "(Narrated by Bukhari) Move your hearts on the things you love It is not love it except on first love Ie Allah Jalla wa 'ala How many quarters are occupied by a person on earth And forever longing only to the original place of residence ie heaven Thus, this makes the heart always repent and humble to Allah Jalla wa 'ala. Their hearts that people always rely on Allah, either in love, hope, anxiety, and obedience. Their hearts were always associated with a country that is full of the glory of heaven. They know the heaven as if they were in front of their eyes. They are in the world like a stranger or a wayfarer. People who are in the condition as if they were a stranger or a traveler will not be happy with his condition now. Because foreigners would not be happy unless after being in the midst of his family. While traveler's journey that will continue to accelerate quickly finished his business. Such is the nature of the world. Adam has been a period of his life. Then followed by Noah lived for 1000 years and preaching to his people for 950 years, "So he stayed among them a thousand years less fifty years" (Surah Al Ankabut: 14) Then the time he finished and has passed. Then there was a people who live for several hundred years after the time they passed. Then after them, there are more people living for 100 years, 80 years, 40 years 50 years and beyond. Their nature is like a stranger or a wayfarer. They came into the world and then they go away. Death will befall everyone. Therefore every person is obliged to give attention to himself. Greatest calamity that befall a person is of the nature of this omission, negligence on the nature of the real world. If Allah's favor to you so that you can understand the nature of this world, that the world is a foreign country, a country full of exams, trying to place the country, while the country and not eternal, surely your heart will be healthier. As if you are negligent about the nature of the death can befall your heart. May Allah bring us all from all forms of negligence. SHARE, may be useful for us all. =============================== BANK CENTRAL ASIA 0770471681 AHMAD ADIB EL KHILLA MASYHUR
      Wednesday at 12:34am

    •  JIKA UNTUK HAL2 DUNIAWI YANG PASTI "MAU DITINGGAL MATI" SAJA KITA SERIUS, BERSUNGGUH-SUNGGUH SERTA BERANI BERINVESTASI BIAYA, WAKTU, PIKIRAN , HATI, TENAGA, KONSENTRASI. JANGAN LUPA MARI BEKALI ANAK2 KITA DENGAN BEKAL HIDUP ABADI. ILMU-ILMU AGAMA / NGAJI ADALAH BEKAL HIDUP ABADI, DA...N ITU ADALAH ESSENSI BEKAL MASA DEPAN YANG SESUNGGUHNYA. Hakikat Hidup di Dunia adalah seperti Musafir Dari Ibnu Umar radhiallohu ‘anhuma beliau berkata: “Rosululloh shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah memegang kedua pundakku seraya bersabda, “Jadilah engkau di dunia seperti orang asing atau musafir”. Ibnu Umar berkata: “Jika engkau berada di sore hari jangan menunggu datangnya pagi dan jika engkau berada pada waktu pagi hari jangan menunggu datangnya sore. Pergunakanlah masa sehatmu sebelum sakit dan masa hidupmu sebelum mati” (HR. Bukhori) Palingkan hatimu pada apa saja yang kau cintai Tidaklah kecintaan itu kecuali pada cinta pertamamu Yaitu Alloh jalla wa ‘ala Berapa banyak tempat tinggal di bumi yang ditempati seseorang Dan selamanya kerinduannya hanya pada tempat tinggalnya yang semula Yaitu surga Demikianlah, hal ini menjadikan hati senantiasa bertaubat dan tawadhu kepada Alloh jalla wa ‘ala. Yaitu orang yang hati mereka senantiasa bergantung pada Alloh, baik dalam kecintaan, harapan, rasa cemas, dan ketaatan. Hati mereka pun selalu terkait dengan negeri yang penuh dengan kemuliaan yaitu surga. Mereka mengetahui surga tersebut seakan-akan berada di depan mata mereka. Mereka berada di dunia seperti orang asing atau musafir. Orang yang berada pada kondisi seakan-akan mereka adalah orang asing atau musafir tidak akan merasa senang dengan kondisinya sekarang. Karena orang asing tidak akan merasa senang kecuali setelah berada di tengah-tengah keluarganya. Sedangkan musafir akan senantiasa mempercepat perjalanan agar urusannya segera selesai. Demikianlah hakikat dunia. Nabi Adam telah menjalani masa hidupnya. Kemudian disusul oleh Nabi Nuh yang hidup selama 1000 tahun dan berdakwah pada kaumnya selama 950 tahun, “Maka ia tinggal di antara mereka seribu tahun kurang lima puluh tahun” (QS Al Ankabut: 14) Kemudian zaman beliau selesai dan telah berlalu. Kemudian ada lagi sebuah kaum yang hidup selama beberapa ratus tahun kemudian zaman mereka berlalu. Kemudian setelah mereka, ada lagi kaum yang hidup selama 100 tahun, 80 tahun, 40 tahun 50 tahun dan seterusnya. Hakikat mereka adalah seperti orang asing atau musafir. Mereka datang ke dunia kemudian mereka pergi meninggalkannya. Kematian akan menimpa setiap orang. Oleh karena itu setiap orang wajib untuk memberikan perhatian pada dirinya. Musibah terbesar yang menimpa seseorang adalah kelalaian tentang hakikat ini, kelalaian tentang hakikat dunia yang sebenarnya. Jika Alloh memberi nikmat padamu sehingga engkau bisa memahami hakikat dunia ini, bahwa dunia adalah negeri yang asing, negeri yang penuh ujian, negeri tempat berusaha, negeri yang sementara dan tidak kekal, niscaya hatimu akan menjadi sehat. Adapun jika engkau lalai tentang hakikat ini maka kematian dapat menimpa hatimu. Semoga Alloh menyadarkan kita semua dari segala bentuk kelalaian. SHARE yuk, semoga bermanfaat buat kita semua. =============================== (INDONESIA) BANK CENTRAL ASIA 0770471681 AHMAD ADIB EL KHILLA MASYHUR
      1 · May 7 at 11:55pm

    •  JIKA UNTUK HAL2 DUNIAWI YANG PASTI "MAU DITINGGAL MATI" SAJA KITA SERIUS, BERSUNGGUH-SUNGGUH SERTA BERANI BERINVESTASI BIAYA, WAKTU, PIKIRAN , HATI, TENAGA, KONSENTRASI. JANGAN LUPA MARI BEKALI ANAK2 KITA DENGAN BEKAL HIDUP ABADI. ILMU-ILMU AGAMA / NGAJI ADALAH BEKAL HIDUP ABADI, DA...N ITU ADALAH ESSENSI BEKAL MASA DEPAN YANG SESUNGGUHNYA. Hakikat Hidup di Dunia adalah seperti Musafir Dari Ibnu Umar radhiallohu ‘anhuma beliau berkata: “Rosululloh shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah memegang kedua pundakku seraya bersabda, “Jadilah engkau di dunia seperti orang asing atau musafir”. Ibnu Umar berkata: “Jika engkau berada di sore hari jangan menunggu datangnya pagi dan jika engkau berada pada waktu pagi hari jangan menunggu datangnya sore. Pergunakanlah masa sehatmu sebelum sakit dan masa hidupmu sebelum mati” (HR. Bukhori) Palingkan hatimu pada apa saja yang kau cintai Tidaklah kecintaan itu kecuali pada cinta pertamamu Yaitu Alloh jalla wa ‘ala Berapa banyak tempat tinggal di bumi yang ditempati seseorang Dan selamanya kerinduannya hanya pada tempat tinggalnya yang semula Yaitu surga Demikianlah, hal ini menjadikan hati senantiasa bertaubat dan tawadhu kepada Alloh jalla wa ‘ala. Yaitu orang yang hati mereka senantiasa bergantung pada Alloh, baik dalam kecintaan, harapan, rasa cemas, dan ketaatan. Hati mereka pun selalu terkait dengan negeri yang penuh dengan kemuliaan yaitu surga. Mereka mengetahui surga tersebut seakan-akan berada di depan mata mereka. Mereka berada di dunia seperti orang asing atau musafir. Orang yang berada pada kondisi seakan-akan mereka adalah orang asing atau musafir tidak akan merasa senang dengan kondisinya sekarang. Karena orang asing tidak akan merasa senang kecuali setelah berada di tengah-tengah keluarganya. Sedangkan musafir akan senantiasa mempercepat perjalanan agar urusannya segera selesai. Demikianlah hakikat dunia. Nabi Adam telah menjalani masa hidupnya. Kemudian disusul oleh Nabi Nuh yang hidup selama 1000 tahun dan berdakwah pada kaumnya selama 950 tahun, “Maka ia tinggal di antara mereka seribu tahun kurang lima puluh tahun” (QS Al Ankabut: 14) Kemudian zaman beliau selesai dan telah berlalu. Kemudian ada lagi sebuah kaum yang hidup selama beberapa ratus tahun kemudian zaman mereka berlalu. Kemudian setelah mereka, ada lagi kaum yang hidup selama 100 tahun, 80 tahun, 40 tahun 50 tahun dan seterusnya. Hakikat mereka adalah seperti orang asing atau musafir. Mereka datang ke dunia kemudian mereka pergi meninggalkannya. Kematian akan menimpa setiap orang. Oleh karena itu setiap orang wajib untuk memberikan perhatian pada dirinya. Musibah terbesar yang menimpa seseorang adalah kelalaian tentang hakikat ini, kelalaian tentang hakikat dunia yang sebenarnya. Jika Alloh memberi nikmat padamu sehingga engkau bisa memahami hakikat dunia ini, bahwa dunia adalah negeri yang asing, negeri yang penuh ujian, negeri tempat berusaha, negeri yang sementara dan tidak kekal, niscaya hatimu akan menjadi sehat. Adapun jika engkau lalai tentang hakikat ini maka kematian dapat menimpa hatimu. Semoga Alloh menyadarkan kita semua dari segala bentuk kelalaian. SHARE yuk, semoga bermanfaat buat kita semua. ===============================
      May 7 at 11:51pm

    • Semoga Tuanku Sultan berada dalam rahmat Allah. Rasanya Tuanku seorang yg kuat beramal dan menjadi penganut Islam sejati. Dulu raja ku Sultan Abd Hamid (Kedah D.A ) juga begitu menghayati ajaran Islam . Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tuanku.
      May 7 at 11:12pm

    • ANNOUNCEMENT the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH Based on the Notification the Chairman of Agency Honorary United Nations (Chairman United Nations) dated July 9, 2012; Statement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 20 July 2012; Statement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 20 October 2012; Announcement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 27 August 2012; and the Announcement United Nations and International (all Countries) dated 21 November 2012; I the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH ON BEHALF OF GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD been official and legitimate as : 1. Chairman of Agency Honorary State of the Republic of Indonesia Which the is Chairman United Nations and the Chairman of Agency Honorary United Nations the Holders Highest Power United Nations and International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 2. Leader Highest, the Leader Largest and the Holders Highest Power of Security Council United Nations, Military, Police and People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 3. Holders highest Power of polity International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 4. Holders Highest Power of Finance of the United Nations, International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 5. Holders Highest Power of Policy of the United Nations, International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 6. Chairman, the Leader Highest and Holders Highest Power of the Revolutionaries the Mandate of Suffering People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 7. President of the Republic of Indonesia, President United States, President Syria and Holders Highest Power of Deliberative and Representative of the People's International (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. 8. Chairman of Agency Honorary Special Capital Region of Bau-Bau, Governor the Special Capital Region of Bau-Bau and Regent of Buton. 9. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth of GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD. 10. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth the Universe BOTANICAL. 11. Holders Highest Power and the Owner of entire Wealth all Countries in World. 12. Holders Highest Power and the Owner entire Wealth Union Bank Switzerland, the World Bank, entire Bank of Government and Bank Private all Countries in the World. 13. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Wealth State of the Republic of Indonesia and Archipelago. 14. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Treasure Trove and entire of Treasure heirloom all Countries in the World. 15. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire Wealth Prophet Sulaiman and entire Prophets. 16. Which entitled and authorized put out the Gold in form money in the form securities as currencies International and Tools Internasional Payment the legitimate with value U.S Dollar, EURO, Pound Sterling, REAL, Dinar, Dirham, Franc, Pound, Rupee, Shilling, Won, Yen, Yuan, Kroon, Ringgit, Peso, Gulden, Rupiah and the others. 17. Holders Highest Power and the Owner the Gold in form money in form securities as currency Internasional and Tools Internasional Payment the legitimate with value U.S Dollar, EURO, Pound Sterling, REAL, Dinar, Dirham, Franc, Pound, Rupee, Shilling, Won, Yen, Yuan, Kroon, Ringgit, Peso, Gulden, Rupiah and the others. 18. Which entitled and Authorized put out entire types gems and Valuables other in form money in form the securities in any form. 19. Holders Highest Power and Owner entire types gems and Valuables other in form money in form the securities in any form. 20. Holders Highest Power of Defense, Security, investigation, prosecution, Courts and Law Internasional (all Countries) and State of the Republic of Indonesia. Bau-Bau, 5 January 2013 ON BEHALF OF GOD, ALMIGHTY GOD be signed and stamped the Great General L.M. SYAHRIAL, SH
      May 7 at 1:17am
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