Kesultanan Malaka adalah sebuah Kerajaan Melayu yang pernah berdiri di Malaka, Malaysia. Kerajaan ini didirikan oleh Parameswara, kemudian mencapai puncak kejayaan di abad ke 15 dengan menguasai jalur pelayaran Selat Malaka, sebelum ditaklukan oleh Portugal tahun 1511. Kejatuhan Malaka ini menjadi pintu masuknya kolonialisasi Eropa di kawasan Nusantara.
Kerajaan ini tidak meninggalkan bukti arkeologis yang cukup untuk dapat digunakan sebagai bahan kajian sejarah, namun keberadaan kerajaan ini dapat diketahui melalui Sulalatus Salatin dan kronik Cina masa Dinasti Ming. Dari perbandingan dua sumber ini masih menimbulkan kerumitan akan sejarah awal Malaka terutama hubungannya dengan perkembangan agama Islam di Malaka serta rentang waktu dari pemerintahan masing-masing raja Malaka. Pada awalnya Islam belum menjadi agama bagi masyarakat Malaka, namun perkembangan berikutnya Islam telah menjadi bagian dari kerajaan ini yang ditunjukkan oleh gelar sultan yang disandang oleh penguasa Malaka berikutnya.
Berdasarkan Sulalatus Salatin kerajaan ini merupakan kelanjutan dari Kerajaan Melayu di Singapura, kemudian serangan Jawa dan Siam menyebabkan pusat pemerintahan berpindah ke Malaka. Kronik Dinasti Ming mencatat Parameswara sebagai pendiri Malaka mengunjungi Kaisar Yongle di Nanjing pada tahun 1405 dan meminta pengakuan atas wilayah kedaulatannya. Sebagai balasan upeti yang diberikan, Kaisar Cina menyetujui untuk memberikan perlindungan pada Malaka, kemudian tercatat ada sampai 29 kali utusan Malaka mengunjungi Kaisar Cina.Pengaruh yang besar dari relasi ini adalah Malaka dapat terhindar dari kemungkinan adanya serangan Siam dari utara, terutama setelah Kaisar Cina mengabarkan penguasa Ayutthaya akan hubungannya dengan Malaka.Keberhasilan dalam hubungan diplomasi dengan Tiongkok memberi manfaat akan kestabilan pemerintahan baru di Malaka, kemudian Malaka berkembang menjadi pusat perdagangan di Asia Tenggara, dan juga menjadi salah satu pangkalan armada Ming.
Laporan dari kunjungan Laksamana Cheng Ho pada 1409, mengambarkan Islam telah mulai dianut oleh masyarakat Malaka,sementara berdasarkan catatan Ming, penguasa Malaka mulai mengunakan gelar sultan muncul pada tahun 1455. Sedangkan dalam Sulalatus Salatin gelar sultan sudah mulai diperkenalkan oleh penganti berikutnya Raja Iskandar Syah, tokoh yang dianggap sama dengan Parameswara oleh beberapa sejarahwan.Sementara dalam Pararaton disebutkan terdapat nama tokoh yang mirip yaitu Bhra Hyang Parameswara sebagai suami dari Ratu Majapahit, Ratu Suhita. Namun kontroversi identifikasi tokoh ini masih diperdebatkan sampai sekarang.
Pada tahun 1414 Parameswara digantikan putranya, Megat Iskandar Syah,memerintah selama 10 tahun, kemudian menganut agama Islam dan digantikan oleh Sri Maharaja atau Sultan Muhammad Syah. Putra Muhammad Syah yang kemudian menggantikannya, Raja Ibrahim, mengambil gelar Sri Parameswara Dewa Syah. Namun masa pemerintahannya hanya 17 bulan, dan dia mangkat karena terbunuh pada 1445. Saudara seayahnya, Raja Kasim, kemudian menggantikannya dengan gelar Sultan Mudzaffar Syah.
Sampai tahun 1435, Malaka memiliki hubungan yang dekat dengan Dinasti Ming, armada Ming berperan mengamankan jalur pelayaran Selat Malaka yang sebelumnya sering diganggu oleh adanya kawanan perompak dan bajak laut.Di bawah perlindungan Ming, Malaka berkembang menjadi pelabuhan penting di pesisir barat Semenanjung Malaya yang tidak dapat disentuh oleh Majapahit dan Ayutthaya. Namun seiring berubahnya kebijakan luar negeri Dinasti Ming, Kawasan ujung tanah ini terus diklaim oleh Siam sebagai bagian dari kedaulatannya sampai Malaka jatuh ke tangan Portugal, dan setelah takluknya Malaka, kawasan Perlis, Kelantan, Terengganu dan Kedah kemudian berada dalam kekuasaan Siam.
Sulalatus Salatin juga mengambarkan kedekatan hubungan Malaka dengan Pasai, hubungan kekerabatan ini dipererat dengan adanya pernikahan putri Sultan Pasai dengan Raja Malaka dan kemudian Sultan Malaka pada masa berikutnya juga turut memadamkan pemberontakan yang terjadi di Pasai. Ma Huan juru tulis Cheng Ho menyebutkan adanya kemiripan adat istiadat Malaka dengan Pasai serta ke dua kawasan tersebut telah menjadi tempat pemukiman komunitas muslim di Selat Malaka.Sementara kemungkinan ada ancaman dari Jawa dapat dihindari, terutama setelah Sultan Mansur Syah membina hubungan diplomatik dengan Batara Majapahit yang kemudian meminang dan menikahi putri Raja Jawa tersebut.Selain itu sekitar tahun 1475 di Jawa juga muncul kekuatan muslim di Demak yang nanti turut melemahkan hegemoni Majapahit atas kawasan yang mereka klaim sebelumnya sebagai daerah bawahan. Adanya keterkaitan Malaka dengan Demak terlihat setelah jatuhnya Malaka kepada Portugal, tercatat ada beberapa kali pasukan Demak mencoba merebut kembali Malaka dari tangan Portugal.
Pada masa pemerintahan Sultan Mudzaffar Syah, Malaka melakukan ekspansi di Semenanjung Malaya dan pesisir timur pantai Sumatera, setelah sebelumnya berhasil mengusir serangan Siam.Di mulai dengan menyerang Aru yang disebut sebagai kerajaan yang tidak menjadi muslim dengan baik.Penaklukan Malaka atas kawasan sekitarnya ditopang oleh kekuatan armada laut yang kuat pada masa tersebut serta kemampuan mengendalikan Orang Laut yang tersebar antara kawasan pesisir timur Pulau Sumatera sampai Laut Cina Selatan. Orang laut ini berperan mengarahkan setiap kapal yang melalui Selat Malaka untuk singgah di Malaka serta menjamin keselamatan kapal-kapal itu sepanjang jalur pelayarannya setelah membayar cukai di Malaka.
Di bawah pemerintahan raja berikutnya yang naik tahta pada tahun 1459, Sultan Mansur Syah, Melaka menyerbu Kedah dan Pahang, dan menjadikannya negara vassal.Di bawah sultan yang sama Kampar, dan Siak juga takluk.Sementara kawasan Inderagiri dan Jambi merupakan hadiah dari Batara Majapahit untuk Raja Malaka.Sultan Mansur Syah kemudian digantikan oleh putranya Sultan Alauddin Syah namun memerintah tidak begitu lama karena diduga ia diracun sampai meninggaldan kemudian digantikan oleh putranya Sultan Mahmud Syah.Hingga akhir abad ke-15 Malaka telah menjadi kota pelabuhan kosmopolitan dan pusat perdagangan dari beberapa hasil bumi seperti emas, timah, lada dan kapur. Malaka muncul sebagai kekuatan utama dalam penguasaan jalur Selat Malaka, termasuk mengendalikan kedua pesisir yang mengapit selat itu.
Sultan Mahmud Syah memerintah Malaka sampai tahun 1511, saat ibu kota kerajaan tersebut diserang pasukan Portugal di bawah pimpinan Afonso de Albuquerque. Serangan dimulai pada 10 Agustus 1511 dan pada 24 Agustus 1511 Malaka jatuh kepada Portugal. Sultan Mahmud Syah kemudian melarikan diri ke Bintan dan menjadikan kawasan tersebut sebagai pusat pemerintahan baru.Perlawanan terhadap penaklukan Portugal berlanjut, pada bulan Januari 1513 Patih Yunus dengan pasukan dari Demak berkekuatan 100 kapal 5000 tentara mencoba menyerang Malaka, namun serangan ini berhasil dikalahkan oleh Portugal.Selanjutnya untuk memperkuat posisinya di Malaka, Portugal menyisir dan menundukkan kawasan antara Selat Malaka. Pada bulan Juli 1514, de Albuquerque berhasil menundukkan Kampar, dan Raja Kampar menyatakan kesediaan dirinya sebagai vazal dari Portugal di Malaka.Sejak tahun 1518 sampai 1520, Sultan Mahmud Syah kembali bangkit dan terus melakukan perlawanan dengan menyerang kedudukan Portugal di Malaka. Namun usaha Sultan Malaka merebut kembali Malaka dari Portugal gagal. Di sisi lain Portugal juga terus memperkokoh penguasaannya atas jalur pelayaran di Selat Malaka. Pada pertengahan tahun 1521, Portugal menyerang Pasai, sekaligus meruntuhkan kerajaan yang juga merupakan sekutu dari Sultan Malaka.
Selanjutnya pada bulan Oktober 1521, pasukan Portugal dibawah pimpinan de Albuquerque mencoba menyerang Bintan untuk meredam perlawanan Sultan Malaka, namun serangan ini dapat dipatahkan oleh Sultan Mahmud Syah. Namun dalam serangan berikutnya pada 23 Oktober 1526 Portugal berhasil membumihanguskan Bintan, dan Sultan Malaka kemudian melarikan diri ke Kampar, tempat dia wafat dua tahun kemudian.Berdasarkan Sulalatus Salatin Sultan Mahmud Syah kemudian digantikan oleh putranya Sultan Alauddin Syah yang kemudian tinggal di Pahang beberapa saat sebelum menetap di Johor.Kemudian pada masa berikutnya para pewaris Sultan Malaka setelah Sultan Mahmud Syah lebih dikenal disebut dengan Sultan Johor.
Walaupun Kesultanan Malaka sangat kuat dipengaruhi oleh agama Islam namun dalam menjalankan pemerintahan, kerajaan ini tidak menerapkan pemerintahan Islam sepenuhnya. Undang-undang yang berlaku di Malaka seperti Hukum Kanun Malaka hanya 40,9% mengikut aturan Islam. Begitu juga Undang-undang Laut Malaka hanya 1 pasal dari 25 pasal yang mengikut aturan Islam.
Kesultanan Malaka dalam urusan kenegaraan telah memiliki susunan tata pemerintahan yang rapi. Sultan Malaka memiliki kekuasaan yang absolut, seluruh peraturan dan undang-undang merujuk kepada Raja Malaka. Sementara dalam administrasi pemerintahan Sultan Malaka dibantu oleh beberapa pembesar, antaranya Bendahara, Tumenggung, Penghulu Bendahari dan Syahbandar. Kemudian terdapat lagi beberapa menteri yang bertanggungjawab atas beberapa urusan negara.Selain itu terdapat jabatan Laksamana yang pada awalnya diberikan kepada kelompok masyarakat Orang Laut.
1405-1414 Parameswara/Raja Iskandar Syah
1414-1424 Megat Iskandar Syah
1424-1444 Sultan Muhammad Syah
1444-1445 Sultan Abu Syahid
1446-1459 Sultan Mudzaffar Syah
1459-1477 Sultan Mansur Syah
1477-1488 Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah
1488-1511 Sultan Mahmud Syah.
- You, Sulaiman Dawud, Ahmad Tajuddin and 88 others like this.
- Fakhruddin Ibnu Burhan Zuriat malaka ni banyak termasuklah di riau semenanjung serta kaitanya dengan negeri2 lain dan itu mmg sulit utk di bantah..mmg sejarah tapak malaka sepertinya sengaja di hapuskan penjajah agar bukti islam hilang..untung ada sulalatus salatin kalau tidak penemu singapura malah dianggap rafles..singapura negeri zionis yg dikelilingi oleh melayu
- Zulkifli Dato' Hj Tahir Maaf kekanda Daeng Andak Al Habrah, terlalu byk kemusyikilan yg bila ditanya, telah cuba ditepis oleh pihak2 tertentu. Makanya, agak sukar untuk menerima sesetengah drp fakta yg dibentang. Isu kekurangan artifacts merupakan salah satu punca juga. Pun demikian kita terpaksa take it at face value dan memberi authority yg terlibat the benefits of doubt
- Sulaiman Dawud The ruling house of Malacca, and later Johor, was one that enjoyed the highest prestige throughout the Malay world. The claimed ancestry of the Royal House extends to Alexander the Great. However, they seem to have actually originated with the foundation of the ancient Hindu state of Tamasak on the island of Singapore. The Royal family fled to the area around Malacca after the destruction of the city by the ruler of Palembang. The ruler of Malacca embraced Islam during the early years of the fourteenth century, taking the name of Sultan Iskander Shah.
The new sultanate rose to world prominence as a trading empire during the rest of the century. Strategically located in the middle of the straits, between Malaya and Indonesia, it was well placed to earn enormous profits as the entréport to the Indies. Using this wealth, the sultanate was able to enforce its suzerainty over much of peninsular Malaya and the islands. Her wealth soon earned the jealousy of the European powers, the phrase "he who holds Malacca, holds the throat of Venice", encompassing those feelings, succinctly. The Portuguese were the first to act, seizing the city almost by accident during a wedding feast on 24th July 1511.
The Sultan and Royal family fled first to Kopak, but was driven by the Portuguese from there to Kampar in Sumatra in 1526. The Sultan was driven from Kampar and after wandering from place to place, eventually established his capital on the banks of the Johor river, in the extreme South of peninsular Malaya. Thereafter, they were known as Sultans of Johor. Their wealth and power slowly diminished as the Portuguese and then the Dutch began to control the trade of the Indies. The male line of the ruling family died out in 1699. The Bendahara family then assumed the Johor sultanate. They had frequently intermarried with the Sultan's family and provided the holders of the powerful office of Bendahara (Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief). However, the fame and pre-eminence of the old line of Sultan's remained a powerful force within the Malay world for centuries. Most of the Malay ruling houses in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines proudly claim descent from them, however tenuous their link may be. - Sulaiman Dawud GENEALOGY
Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain ('Alexander of the two horns'),
the legendary ancestor of all the major Malay dynasties.
Tuan Putri Shah ul-Bariah
d/o Raja Kida Hindi
Raja Aristun Shah
Raja Aftas
Raja Sabur
Raja Amtabus
Raja Kudar Zakuhun
Raja Ardeshir Babegan
a d/o Raja Nushirwan Adil
Raja Dermanus
Shah Tersi
Raja Zamrut
Raja Tersi Berderas
d/o Raja Sulan of Amdan (s/o Raja Kibad Shahriar and g/s/o Raja Nushirwan Adil)
Raja Suran of Amdan
(with whom we treat) - Sulaiman Dawud Raja Suran, Raja of Amdan, son of Raja Tersi Berderas, by his wife, a daughter of Raja Sulan, Raja of Amdan. Succeeded his maternal grandfather as ruler of Amdan. m. (first) Tuan Putri Zaris, niece of Shah Johan. Raja of Gongga, in the Dindings, Perak. m. (second) Tuan Putri Onang-kiu, daughter of Raja Chulan. m. (third) Tuan Putri Mahtab ul-Bahri, daughter of Raja Aftab ul-Ardl. He had issue, three sons by his his first, one daughter by his second, and three sons by his third wife
- Sulaiman Dawud 1324 - 1372* Sri Maharaja Sang Utama Parameswara, Batara Sri Tribuwana**, younger son of Sri Maharaja Sang Sapurba [Nila Pahlawan Sang Sri Prabhu Dharma Sena Tribuwana], Paduka Sri Trimurti Tribuwana, by his wife, Tuan Sandari. Succeeded his father. Removed himself from Bintan to Temasek (water town) ca 1324, where he defeated and killed the local ruler, a vassal of Ayuthya (Siam) and established the new city of Singapura (lion city). He maintained control over Temasek for 48 years. Confirmed as ruler over Temasek by an envoy of the Chinese Emperor ca 1366. m. Radin Ratna Chandra Puri, daughter of Ratu Sakadar Shah [Wan Sri Bini/Benian], Raja Perempuan of Bintan, daughter of Raja Ishar Shah, and granddaughter of Ratu Permaisuri Iskandar Shah***, widow of the first recorded Muslim ruler of Bintan. He d. at Singapore, ca 1372, having had issue, two sons:
1) Raja Kechil Besar, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Bikrama Vira di-Raja [Pekerma Wira], Raja of Temasek - see below.
2) Raja Kechil Muda****. m. Radin Lasmi Puri, granddaughter of a sibling of Demang Lebar Daun. - Sulaiman Dawud 1372 - 1386 Paduka Sri Bikrama Vira di-Raja [Pekerma Wira], Raja of Temasek, elder son of Sri Maharaja Sang Utama Parameswara, Batara Sri Tribuwana. Styled Raja Kechil Besar before his accession. Attacked several times by Radin Inu Merta Wangsa of Majapahit, and the city burned and its inhabitants put to the sword by a Palembang invasion in 1377. m. at Singapore, Tuan Putri Nila Panjadi [Tilai Puchudi], of the line of Raja Suran and daughter of Raja Jambuga Rama Mudaliar, Raja of Keling (or Kalinga, in South India). He d. at Temasek, ca 1386, having had issue, including an eldest son:
1) Raja Muda, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Ratna Vira Vikrama di-Raja, Raja of Temasek. - Sulaiman Dawud 1386 - 1399 Paduka Sri Ratna Vira Vikrama di-Raja [Paduka Seri Rana Wira Kerma], Raja of Temasek, eldest son of Paduka Sri Bikrama Vira di-Raja, Raja of Temasek, by his wife, Tuan Putri Nila Panjadi. Styled Raja Muda before his accession. m. a daughter of Tun Perpatih Permuka Berjayar. He d. at Singapore, ca 1399, having had issue, two sons and a daughter, including:
1) Dharmaraja [Desia Raja], who succeeded as Paduka Sri Maharaja Parameswara, Raja of Temasek - see below.
1) A daughter. m. Bendahara Sri Maharaja Indra Purba, son of Tun Perpatih Tulus. She had issue:
a) Bendahara Sri Amar di-Raja. m. Tun Ratna Wati, daughter of Mani Purindan, by his wife, Tun Ratna Sundari, daughter of Tun Perpatih Besar, Sri Nara di-Raja. He had issue - see Malacca (Bendahara).
a) Sri Samarang Jaya [Hsi-li-sa-ma-lan-cha-ya, nephew of Parameswara]. Envoy to Nanking 27th July 1412.
b) Jaya di-Raja [Sai-ti-la-che, nephew of Parameswara]. Envoy to Peking 20th September 1413. - Sulaiman Dawud 1399 - 1413 Paduka Sri Maharaja Parameswara*, Raja of Malacca, son of Paduka Sri Ratna Vira Vikrama di-Raja, Raja of Temasek, educ. privately. Succeeded as ruler of Singapura Temasek on the death of his father, ca 1399. Expelled from Temasek by the Batara of Majapahit working in collusion with the Bendahara, Sang Ranjuna Tapa, 1401. Removed to Muar, on the mainland, then to Bertam (when aged no more than eighteen years??). Received several Chinese envoys and trading missions, and recorded as paying homage to the Chinese Emperor 3rd October 1405. He visited China together with his wife and son and a retinue of 540 persons, being received at Nanking on 14th August 1411 and remaining three months before returning to Malacca. m. (first) Raja Permaisuri, a niece of Batara Tumapel [Tamurel], of Majapahit in Java. m. (second) Devi Putri, daughter of Tun Perpatih Tulus Tulus I, sometime Bendahara. He d. at Bertam, late 1413, having had issue, including:
1) Sri Wangsa di-Raja [Sa-li-wang-la-cha, elder brother of Mu-kan-sa-yu-ti-er-sha and son of Pai-li-mi-su-la). Received by the Emperor of China on 3rd September 1418 as Sa-li-wang-la-cha, envoy and elder brother of Mu-kan-sa-yu-ti-er-sha and son of Pai-li-mi-su-la.
2) Raja Muda Paduka Sri Ratna Adivikrama di-Raja [Seri Rama Adikerma], who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Iskandar Shah [Mu-kan-sa-yu-ti-er-sha], Sultan of Malacca (s/o Devi Putri) - Sulaiman Dawud 1413 - 1423 Paduka Sri Sultan Iskandar Shah*, Sultan of Malacca. b. at Singapore, ca 1344, younger son of Paduka Sri Maharaja Parameswara, Raja of Malacca, educ. privately. Styled Raja Muda before his accession. Fled from Singapore with his father and family in 1398, moving to Seletar, thence to Muar, Biawak Busok and Kota Burok, then to Bertam. Established a settlement and constructed his palace at Malacca (on St Paul's Hill) ca 1403, encouraging the Bugis to settle there with immigrants from Aru. Succeeded as ruler on the death of his father in late 1413, and installed as Paduka Sri Ratna Adivikrama di-Raja [Seri Rama Adikerma Raja]. He subsequently removed the capital there after his accession. He visited China where the Emperor received him in audience at Peking on 5th October 1414, when he (Mu-kan-sa-yu-ti-er-sha) reported the death of his father (Pai-li-mi-su-la) and received recognition as his successor. Visited China again with his wife and son, when the Chinese Emperor received him (Issu-han-ta-er-sha) at Peking on 23rd September 1419, the party remaining in China for three years. His interest in trade and diplomatic adventures led him at once to take the protection of the King of Siam, at another the Batara of Majapahit and later, the Emperor of China. m. (first) the principal daughter of a senior minister of Bugis descent. m. (second) a daughter of a Chinese Admiral. m. (third) at Malacca, 1416, at the age of seventy-two and after conversion to Islam, a daughter of Sultan al-Adil Malik uz-Zahir Abu Zaid, Sultan of Samudra-Pasai. m. (a) a daughter of Sang Ranjuna Tapa, of Singapore. He d. shortly after returning from a three year visit to China, at Malacca, late 1423 (before 20th April 1424), having had issue:
1) Raja Kechil Besar. Recorded in one version of the Sejarah Melayu as reigning for two 2 years as Sultan Megat and father of Radin Bagus, Radin (sic) Tengah and Radin Anum. He probably served as regent during the visits of Iskandar Shah to China**. m. a daughter of the Bendahara Sri Maharaja Indera Purba, son of Tun Parapatih Tulus I, by his wife, Paduka Sri Ratna Vira Vikrama di-Raja, Raja of Temasek. He had issue, three sons:
a) Radin Bagus. m. a daughter of Tun Parapatih Tulus II. He had issue, two sons:
i) Raja Kechil Mambang. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
ii) Raja Megat.
b) Radin Tengah***. m. a daughter of Tun Parapatih Tulus II.
c) Radin Anum [Inu]. m. a daughter of Tun Parapatih Tulus II. He had issue:
i) Raja Tua. m. at Malacca, 1445, as his first wife, Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Abu Shahid, Sultan of Malacca (d. 1459), youngest son of Paduka Sri Maharaja Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Malacca, by his wife, the Rokan princess. She had issue, a son - see below.
ii) Another daughter. m. as his first wife, Tun 'Ali bin Bendahara Sri Amar di-Raja, Bendahara Sri Nara di-Raja, son of Bendahara Sri Amar di-Raja, by his wife, Tun Ratna Wati, daughter of Baginda Mani Purindan.
2) Raja Ahmad, Raja Besar Muda. m. (first) Tuan Putri Kamar ul-'Aja'ib, daughter of Paduka Sri Raja Sulaiman Shah, Raja of Kota Mahligai, in Kelantan. m. (second) a Chinese gunduk. He d. ca 1424, having had issue:
a) Raja Puteh, Rajaputra ****(s/o a Chinese lady). Regent under the title of Paduka Raja for his nephew Muzaffar Shah I during his wars with Pahang, Rokan, Trengganu and Patani. He was k. by his nephew Sultan Mansur Shah I, at the Balai, Bertam, having had issue, four daughters:
i) A daughter. m. Y.M. Tun Tahir bin Sri Nara di-Raja Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja (k. (krissed) on the orders of Sultan Mahmud Shah I, at Malacca, 1510), first Governor of Kampar, son of Tun 'Ali bin Bendahara Sri Amar di-Raja, Bendahara Sri Nara di-Raja, by his second wife, Tun Kudu, daughter of Tun Perpatih Sendang, Bendahara Sri Wak Raja.
ii) Another daughter. m. Tun Bijaya Sura. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
iii) Another daughter. m. after the death of her paternal aunt Tun Hamzah [Dato' Bongkok], Sri Bijaya di-Raja, sometime C-in-C and Governor of Inderapura (Pahang) ca 1460-1470.
iv) Another daughter. m. (taken as a gunduk) Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca (b. 1406; d. at Malacca, 1477, bur. there at the Royal Mausoleum on St Paul's Hill), son of Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Abu Shahid, Malik-ul-Adil, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca, by his wife, Raja Tua. She had issue - see below.
b) Raja Tengah***, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Besar Muda Ahmad, Sultan of Malacca - see below.
c) Radin Isap.
d) Radin Bala. Received as an envoy to the Emperor of China on 11th April 1435.
a) A daughter (eldest sister of Sulan Muhammad Shah). m. Tun Hamzah [Dato' Bongkok], Sri Bijaya di-Raja (m. second, after her death, her niece, a daughter of Raja Puteh - see above), sometime C-in-C and first Governor of Inderapura (Pahang) ca 1460-1470. - Sulaiman Dawud * Iskandar Shah of the Malay Annals, Mu-kan-sa-yu-ti-er-sha/Issu-han-ta-er-sha of the Chinese Imperial records, and Chaquem Daraxa/Xaquerem Daxa of Archbishop Manuel Texeira. The 'Suma Oriental' (1512-1515), which predates the 'Sejarah Melayu' (1536) confirms that Chaquem Daraxa was the son of Paramicura. He journeyed to China at the age of 45 in a trip taking three years, became a Muslim at age 72 and died aged 80. D'Albuquerque's Commentaries (1511) say that Xaquendarxa died a few days after returning from a three-year journey to China. The latter probably a reference to his second trip in 1419-1423. These facts correspond very closely to the contemporary Chinese sources of the early fourteenth century. Winstedt (1948) mistakenly amalgamates the Parameswara, his son Iskandar Shah and Sultan Megat into a single individual. Subsequent authors go further and call him Muhammad Iskander Shah. Given that both Chinese and Portuguese sources pre-date the earliest known edition of the 'Sejarah Melayu' there is little reason to discount them in favour of the latter, for reasons other than narrow nationalism. The two sources are entirely independent and could not have influenced each other in any way.
- Sulaiman Dawud The notion that Mu-kan-sa-yu-ti-er-sha is a contemporary Chinese transliteration of Megat Iskandar Shah or Muhammad Iskandar Shah, seems somewhat far-fetched. Phonetically speaking, one does not morph into the other with any ease. However, Issu-han-ta-er-sha, used by the Chinese for the Malacca ruler in 1419 compares much more favourably with Iskandar Shah. This fits quite well with his probable date of conversion to Islam, verifiable from Portuguese and other sources. Mu-kan-sa-yu-ti-er-sha, on the other hand, dates from 1414 and makes it more likely that it amounts to a Chinese phonetic transliteration of his pre-Islamic title.
- Sulaiman Dawud ** The use of "Sultan Megat" suggests a nickname or, that this individual was actually the son of a daughter of the ruler, rather than his son. The title of Raja Kechil Besar also suggests a position junior to an Heir Apparent, who would be styled Raja Muda. Portuguese and Chinese sources do not mention him as a ruler. This may suggest that he was only a stand-in, rather than a full ruler. The Chinese records confirm that Iskandar Shah took his heir to China with him, and that the journey there and back took about three years. Consequently, it is likely that an elder son, probably by a junior ranking wife, acted for him during his journeys abroad.
The use of Radin is equally inexplicable, given that the title Javanese when a) no Javanese connection is mentioned for either parent and b) the higher title of Raja was already in use for those of male-line Royal descent. - Sulaiman Dawud *** Several recensions of the Sejarah Melayu assume that Raja Tengah and Radin are the same individual, but this is not at all clear from the earlier editions. Tengah simply indicates an individual's birth order as a "middle" child.
- Sulaiman Dawud **** Mentioned with these titles and in some detail only in the Portuguese sources (Pires pp 243-246), both of which predate the earliest known editions of the 'Sejarah Melayu'. The latter make out that Raja Tengah's elder brother was the Bendahara, later recensions calling him Tun Perpatih Permuka Berjajar. However, this seems to be yet another attempt or mistaken attempt to assign a male-line Royal descent by the Bendahara clan. It is more likely that given the Portuguese accounts of his daughters' marriages, the descent of the Bendaharas is entirely genuine, but that descent is in the female line.
- Sulaiman Dawud 1423 - 1444 Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Besar Muda Ahmad, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca. b. ca 1388), second son of Raja Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar Shah, Raja Besar Muda, by his wife, Tuan Putri Kamar ul-'Aja'ib, educ. privately. Styled Raja Kechil Besar before his accession. Succeeded on the death of his father as Sri Maharaja, 1423. He journeyed to China with his wife, when the Chinese Emperor received Hsi-li-ma-ha-la-che at Peking on 20th April 1424 and he reported the death of his father. Returned to China for a second time with his brother Radin Bala, arriving at Nanking on 28th November 1433, received at court in Peking on 26th May 1434, and departed Canton after 28th April 1435. Assumed the Muslim title of Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah sometime after 1435%. m. (first) a daughter of Tun Perpatih Muka Berjaya, Sri Deva Raja. m. (second) a sister of the Raja of Rokan. m. (third) a daughter of the Bendahara Sri Maharaja Indra Purba. He d. at Malacca, 1444, having issue, four sons and a daughter:
1) Raja Kechil Bambang ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah (s/o the first wife). He d.v.p.
2) Raja Mahkota ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah (s/o the first wife).
3) Raja Hitam Ibrahim, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Dewa Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca (s/o the Rokan princess) - see below.
4) Raja Abu Kasim, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Malik-ul-Adil, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca (s/o the Bendahara's daughter)
1) Raja Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah. m. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim [Megat Kuda], Sultan of Siak, son of Paduka Sri Maharaja Parameswara, of Siak. She had issue, two sons - see Indonesia (Siak). - Sulaiman Dawud 1444 - 1445 Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Dewa Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam ['Abu Shahid], Sultan of Malacca. b. 1443, third son of Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Megat, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca, by his third wife, the Rokan princess, educ. privately. Styled Sri Parameswara Dewa Shah# before his accession. Appointed as Heir Apparent at the instigation of the Queen Mother, who was opposed to her own grandson, Raja Kasim. Proclaimed aged seventeen months on the death of his father, but never installed. Reigned under the regency of his uncle the Raja of Rokan. He was k. in an affray with Tamils, during the revolt of his elder half-brother, after a reign of one year and eight months, 1445.
- Sulaiman Dawud 1445 - 1459 Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah@ ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Malik-ul-Adil, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca, youngest son of Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Ahmad, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca, by his third wife, a daughter of the Bendahara Sri Maharaja Indra Purba, educ. privately. Superseded as Heir Apparent by his younger brother and forced to earn his own living as a fisherman. He raised an army of followers, deposed the regent and ascended the throne, at Malacca, 1445. A ruler renowned for his justice and clemency, during whose reign the codification of the laws were recorded in the Kitab Undang Undang. Twice attacked by the King of Siam, but successfully repulsed both invasions. m. (first) at Malacca, 1445, Raja Tua, daughter of Radin Anum bin Sultan Megat. m. (second) at Malacca, after 1445 (div.), Tun Kudu (m. second, before 1459, Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja), daughter of Tun Perpatih Sedang, Bendahara Sri Wak Raja. He d. 1459, having had issue, one son and two daughters:
1) Raja 'Abdu'llah, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca (s/o Raja Tua) - see below.
1) A daughter (sister of Mansur Shah). m. the Raja of Pahang (father-in-law of Mansur Shah, therefore probably Maharaja Deva Suriya, of Pahang).
2) Another daughter (sister of Mansur Shah). m. the first Muslim ruler of Minagkabau (or Kampar?). - Sulaiman Dawud 1459 - 1477 Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca. b. 1442, son of Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Abu Shahid, Malik-ul-Adil, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca, by his wife, Raja Tua, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his father and was installed at Malacca, 1459 (aged 17 years). Conquered Pahang, Kampar, and Siak. Received Indiragiri in dowry with his Javanese wife. He became ill in old age and ruled under the regency of his son, Sultan 'Ala ud-din, for a long time. m. (first) before 1459, Tun Putih Nur Pualam, daughter of Bendahara Sri Amar di-Raja. m. (second) Putri Wanang Sri Lela Wangsa, daughter of Maharaja Deva Suriya, of Pahang, by his wife, a daughter or relative of the King of Siam, by whom he had two sons. m. (third) ca 1460, Tuan Putri Hang Li Po, a Chinese lady, supposedly the daughter of the Emperor of China. m. (fourth) Radin Galoh Chandra Kirana, Raja Perempuan Besar, a Javanese lady, daughter of Sang Aji Jaya ning-Rat, Batara of Majapahit, by his wife, Radin Galoh Devi Kesuma [Tuan Putri Wi Kusuma], daughter of the Batara of Majapahit. m. (fifth) a sister of the Bendahara Paduka Raja yang bongsu. m. (sixth) Tun Sadah [Tun Shah], daughter of Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja. He d. at Malacca, 1477 (aged 73) (bur. there at the Royal Mausoleum on St Paul's Hill), having had issue, six sons and five daughters:
1) Raja Muhammad, who became Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang (s/o Putri Wanang Sri) - see Malaysia (Pahang).
2) Raja Ahmad, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang (s/o Putri Wanang Sri) - see Malaysia (Pahang).
3) Raja di-Baroh (eldest brother of Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah I and uncle of Sultan Mahmud Shah).
4) Paduka Mimat (s/o Li Po). He had issue:
a) Paduka Sri China, ruler of Jeram, near Langat. He had issue:
i) Paduka Ahmad. He had issue:
(1) Paduka Isap. His descendants ruled at Jeram.
5) Raja Husain [Raja Radin], Raja Muda, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca (s/o the fourth wife) - see below.
6) Raja Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah [Radin Gegling/Ratu di-Keling] (s/o Chandra Kirana) (youngest son). Appointed as Heir Apparent by his father with the title of Raja Muda. He was k.v.p. by Temenggong Hang Jebat, who had run amok within the Istana, 1474 (bur. Sayong Pinang).
1) Raja Putri Bakal. b. at Malacca, before 1459 (d/o a gunduk). m. Raja Merling of Indragiri (d. at Malacca), by whom she had issue - see Indonesia (Indragiri).
2) Raja Maha Devi (d/o Tun Sadah). m. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim [Megat Kudu], Sultan of Siak, son of Paduka Sri Maharaja Parameswara, of Siak. She had issue, two sons - see Indonesia (Siak).
3) Raja Chandra (d/o Tun Sadah).
4) A daughter. m. the ruler (probably governor) of Kampar.
5) Another daughter. m. the ruler (probably governor) of Pahang. - Sulaiman Dawud 1477 - 1488 Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca. b. 1456, as Raja Husain, youngest son of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca, by his fourth wife, a sister of the Bendahara Paduka Raja, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Raja Muda after the death of his elder half-brother. Succeeded on the death of his father and installed with the title of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, 1477. He conquered Lingga and the Riau islands, but was defeated by the ruler of Aru in a sea-battle. He took a keen interest in religion but amassed great wealth and habitually took opium. m. (first) before 1477, Tun Senaja [Naja], daughter of Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja, by his wife, Tun Kudu, widow of Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Abu Shahid, Sultan of Malacca, and daughter of Tun Perpatih Sendang, Bendahara Sri Wak Raja. m. (second) after 1477, his first cousin, a daughter of the ruler of Kampar. m. (third) Raja Perempuan (bur. Merlimau, Malacca), daughter of Sultan Muhammad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by his wife, Mengindra Putri, grand daughter of Sultan Iskandar Shah Nenggiri ibni al-Marhum Sultan Baki Shah, Raja of Kelantan. He d. (poisoned by his Pahang brother or from fever) at Pagoh, on the Muar river, 1488 (aged 33), having had issue, four sons and four daughters:
1) Raja Mamat [Mat], Raja Muda, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah, al-Mu'azzam al-Malik al-Mukarram zilallah fi'l Alam, Sultan of Malacca and 1st Sultan of Johor (s/o Tun Senaja) - see below.
2) Paduka Sri Sultan [Zalim] Menawar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah, Raja of Kampar (s/o the Raja Perempuan), educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent by his father but subsequently superseded by his younger half-brother, Raja Mahmud. Later compensated for his loss and made ruler of Kampar. He d. (poisoned on the orders of his brother Mahmud), ca. 1505, having had issue, a son:
a) Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Menawar Shah, Raja of Kampar, educ. privately. Succeeded as ruler of Kampar on the death of his father, brought to Malacca and invested with the title of Sultan. He broke with his father-in-law after he tried to have him killed, went over to the Portuguese and asked for assistance in a challenge to Sultan Mahmud Sha, but taken prisoner by them and exiled to Goa. Brought back to Malacca and appointed as Bendahara with the title of Mankubhumi under the Portuguese, January 1515. m. at Malacca, before 1513, a daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah, Sultan of Malacca and of Johor. He was k. (beheaded) by the Portuguese, at Malacca, 1515. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
3) Sultan 'Abdu'l Jamal ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah (s/o Tun Senaja).
4) Raja Zainal ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah (s/o the Royal wife). He was k. on the orders of his half-brother, Sultan Mahmud Shah I, before 1488.
1) The eldest d/o Tun Senaja. m. at Malacca, before 1475, Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang (d. after 1512), younger son of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Sultan of Malacca, by his wife, Putri Wanang Sri Lela Wangsa, daughter of the Paduka Sri Maharaja Dewa Surya, the former ruler of Pahang and a relative of the King of Siam - see Malaysia (Pahang).
2) Raja Putri Hitam binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah (d/o Tun Senaja). m. at Malacca, before 1488, Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, elder son of Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim ibni al-Marhum Paduka Sri Maharaja Parameswara, Sultan of Siak, by his wife, Raja Maha Devi, daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca. She had issue, a son - see Indonesia (Siak).
3) Raja Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah (d/o Tun Senaja). m. at Malacca, before 1488, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jamil Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Pahang (d. at Pekan Lama, 1511, bur. Ziarat Raja Radin), eldest son of Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by his wife, Mengindra Putri, grand-daughter of Sultan Iskandar Shah Nenggiri ibni al-Marhum Sultan Baki Shah, Raja of Kelantan. She d.s.p. at Pekan, 4th July 1495 (bur. Ziarat Raja Radin) - see Malaysia (Pahang).
4) Another daughter. m. at Malacca, before 1488, the ruler of Kampar or Indragiri. - Sulaiman Dawud 1488 - 1528 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah Shah, al-Mu'azzam al-Malik al-Mukarram zilallah fi'l Alam, Sultan of Malacca and of Johor, second son of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Malacca, by his first wife, Tun Senaja, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent in preference to his elder and twice-royal half-brother. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1488. Reigned under the Regency of his grandfather until he came of age. Subdued Perak, Kelantan and Pasai to his authority and forced Pahang to accept his suzerainty. He eschewed any allegiance to Java and Siam 1493, defeated the latter at Pulau Pisang 1500 and repulsed an invasion of Pahang under the command of the Raja of Ligor in 1509. Received the first Portuguese captain, Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, in Malacca on 11th September 1509, but ordered his execution. Abdicated in favour of his son in 1510 and thereafter retired to Kaya Ara, removing to Batu Hampar after the Portuguese conquest of Malacca, then fleeing to Pahang with his son in 1512. Resumed full control over administrative powers after killing his son, the Sultan Muda Ahmad, in 1513. Established his capital at Bintan but later established his seat at Kampar in Sumatra, after being driven out of Kopak by the Portuguese in 1526. m. (first) at Malacca, ca 1493, Raja Wati, Raja Perempuan (k. on the orders of her husband, for no reason, when he was intoxicated by opium, before 1513), daughter of his uncle, Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by whom he had issue one son and two daughters. m. (second) at Malacca, 1494, Tun Teja Ratna Manggala, daughter of the Bendahara Sri Amar Bangsa di-Raja of Pahang. m. (third) at Malacca, ca 1500, Putri Unang Kemuning [Otang Kentang], eldest daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar Shah, Raja of Kelantan, by his wife, a princess of Champa. m. (fourth) at Malacca, 1510, Tun Kudu binti bin Tun Tahir, Dato' Tuan Puteh, daughter of Y.M. Tun Tahir bin Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja, sometime Governor of Kampar and Treasurer. m. (fifth) Tun Sabariah [Sirah/Daerah], younger daughter of Laksamana Tun Tuah bin Hang Mahmud [Laksamana Hang Tuah], by his first wife, a sister of Tun Hamzah [Dato' Bongkok], Sri Bijaya di-Raja, sometime C-in-C and Governor of Inderapura (Pahang). m. (sixth) at Malacca, 1510, Tun Fatima binti Tun Mutahir, Raja Perempuan, widow of Y.M. Tun Tahir bin Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja, and daughter of Y.M. Tun Mutahir bin Tun 'Ali, Bendahara Sri Maharaja. m. (a) Tun Iram Sendari (m. Tun Biajid bin Laksamana Hang Tuah). m. (b) Tun Sadah (m. Sang Naya, by whom she had one son and one daughter). He d. at Kampar, Sumatra, 1530, having had issue, six sons and eight daughters:
1) Raja Muzaffar ibni Sultan Mahmud Shah [Raja Madapar/Raja Sulung], Raja Muda, who became Maulana Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Muzaffar Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah [al-Marhum Tanah Abang], Sultan of Perak (s/o Putri Unang Kemuning) - see Malaysia (Perak).
2) Sultan Muda Ahmad Shah ibni Sultan Mahmud Shah (s/o Raja Wati), educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Raja Muda, and subsequently appointed as regent with the title of Sultan Muda Ahmad Shah, 1510. Expelled from Malacca by the Portuguese, 24th July 1511. Withdrew to Hulu Muar, thence to Pagoh until expelled from there by the Portuguese, then fled to Pahang with his father. He subsequently moved to Bintan and established a settlement at Kopak. He exercised the regency on behalf of his father, but incurred his displeasure by mistreating and abusing the court elders. He d.v.p. (poisoned on the orders of his father) at Batu Pelabohan, 1513 (bur. Bukit Batu), having had issue, two daughters:
a) Raja Puteh.
b) Raja Mah.
3) Raja 'Ala ud-din, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam (s/o Tun Fatima)
4) Raja Nara ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah (s/o Putri Unang Kemuning).
1) Raja Fatima (d/o Tun Senaja). m. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jamil Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Pahang (d. at Pekan Lama, 1511, bur. Ziarat Raja Raden), eldest son of her uncle, Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by his wife, Mengindra Putri, grand-daughter of Sultan Iskandar Shah Nenggiri ibni al-Marhum Sultan Baki Shah, Raja of Kelantan. She d.s.p. at Pekan, 7th July 1495, bur. Ziarat Raja Raden, Pekan Lama, Pahang)
2) A daughter (full sister of Sultan Ahmad) (d/o Raja Wati). m. at Malacca, before 1513, Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Munawar Shah, Raja of Kampar, son of her paternal uncle, Paduka Sri Sultan Munawar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah, Raja of Kampar
3) A daughter (d/o Putri Unang Kemuning). m. (first) at Pahang, 1512, Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan of Pahang (k. ca. 1519) . m. (second) ca. 1520, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Raja Merling, Sultan of Indragiri, son of Raja Merling, Raja of Indragiri, by his wife, Raja Bakal, daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Sultan of Malacca. She had further issue, two sons
4) Raja Kamala Devi. m. Raja Ahmad bin Raja Muhammad, Raja of Trengganu, son of Raja Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Raja of Trengganu - see Malaysia (Kelantan).
5) Raja Sri Devi (d/o Putri Unang Kemuning). m. Raja Mansur ibni al-Marhum Sultan Gombak, elder son of Paduka Sri Sultan Gombak ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Raja of Kelantan. She had issue, two sons - see Malaysia (Kelantan). Copyright© Christopher Buyers
6) Raja Fatima [Putri 'Mah] (d/o Putri Unang Kemuning). m. at Bintan, ca 1514, Paduka Sri Sultan Khoja Ahmad Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja 'Abdu'llah, Sultan of Siak, eldest son of Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim of Siak, by his wife Putri Hitam, elder daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Malacca. She had issue, four sons and three daughters
7) Raja Putri Devi (d/o Tun Sabariah). m. Paduka Sri Sultan Zainal-Abidin Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, Sultan of Pahang (d. 1555), younger son of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Pahang. She d. 1584, having had issue, two sons and two daughters - see Malaysia (Pahang).
Raja Amara Devi [Tuan Putri Arma Devi] (d/o Tun Teja).
9) Raja Puteh (d/o Tun Fatima). m. at Bintan, 1520, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ali Bunjar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Husain Shah, Sultan of Aru (d. during the Acehnese attack on Aru, November 1539), son of Paduka Sri Sultan Husain Shah, Sultan of Aru, in Sumatra.
10) Raja Khadija (d/o Tun Fatima). m. at Bintan, ca. 1519, as his second wife, Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Pahang (d. 1530), younger son of Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Pahang - - Sulaiman Dawud 1528 - 1564 Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah II Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah [al-Marhum Sayyid Mangkat di-Aceh], Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam. b. at Kopak, 1513, third son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah Shah, al-Mu'azzam al-Malik al-Mukarram zilallah fi'l Alam, Sultan of Malacca and of Johor, by his sixth wife, Tun Fatima binti Tun Mutahir, Raja Perempuan, educ. privately. Granted the title of Raja Kechil Besar at birth. Appointed as Heir Apparent by his father (displacing his elder brother Muzaffar) and raised to joint sovereign rank as Sultan Muda 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah at the age of 40 days. Succeeded on the deposition of his father, 1528. Driven out of Kampar by the Portuguese and established his capital on the Johor river. m. at Pekan Lama, 1529, Raja Kesuma Devi, younger daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan of Pahang. He d. at Pasir Raja, Johor Lama, 1564 (bur. Makam Tujuh, Kota Sayong), having had issue, two sons and two daughters:
1) Raja Muzaffar [Radin Bahar], who succeeded as, Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam (s/o Kesuma Devi)
2) Raja Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Raja Kechil Besar (s/o Puspa Devi). m. Raja Putri Khadija binti al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin Shah, eldest daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Zainal-Abidin Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by his first wife, Raja Devi binti al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah, Sultan of Malacca and of Johor. He d. at Pekan Lama, Pahang.
1) Raja Putri Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah (d/o Kesuma Devi). m. (first) Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin Shah, Sultan of Pahang (d. 1560), eldest son of Paduka Sri Sultan Zainal-Abidin Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by his first wife, Raja Devi, daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala' ud-din Shah, Sultan of Malacca and Johor. (Pahang). m. (second) Paduka Sri Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II bin Raja Ahmad, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, son of Raja Ahmad bin Raja Muhammad, Raja of Trengganu, by his wife, Raja Kamala Devi, daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah Shah, Sultan of Malacca and of Johor. She d. at Bukit Seluyut (bur. there), having had issue.
2) A daughter. m. Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah I, Sultan of Perak (d. at Kota Lama Kanan, 1577), eldest son of Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah I ibni al-Marhum Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah, Sultan of Perak, by his second wife, a Perak princess, daughter of Sultan Mughal, Sultan of Perak. She had issue, three sons and thirteen daughters. - Sulaiman Dawud 1564 - 1570 Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam. b. 1546, elder son of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah II Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, by his wife, Raja Kesuma Devi, educ. privately. Styled Raja Muda Perdana before his accession. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1564. Established his capital at Bukit Seluyut. m. (first) Tun Mas Jiwa, daughter of Tun Husain [Tun Hassan] bin Dato' Bendahara Tun Biajid, Temenggong. m. (second) ca 1560, Tun Trang (m. second, 1571, Paduka Sri Sultan al-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, by whom she had further issue - see below), daughter of Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja, of Pahang, by his wife Tun Fatima, daughter of the Bendahara Sri Maharaja and later wife of Sultan Mahmud Shah I. m. (third) the former wife of Paduka Sri Sultan al-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, and daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Husain 'Ali Ri'ayat Shah, Sultan of Aceh. He d. (poisoned) at Kota Panjor, Johor, 1570 (bur. Bukit Seluyot, Kampung Panjor), having had issue, two sons:
1) Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah I ibni Paduka Sri Sultan Ali Jalla 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam (s/o Tun Trang)
2) Raja Radin (s/o Tun Trang). - Sulaiman Dawud 1570 - 1571 Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah I ibni Paduka Sri Sultan Ali Jalla 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam. b. 1562, elder son of Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, by his wife, Tun Trang, educ. privately. Installed on the death of his father. He d.s.p. young, at Kota Panjor, Johor, 1571 (bur. Bukit Seluyot, Kampung Panjor).
- Sulaiman Dawud 1571 - 1597 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Raja Ahmad [al-Marhum Mankat di-Batu], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Johor. b. as Raja 'Umar, son of Raja Ahmad bin Raja Muhammad of Trengganu, educ. privately. Became Raja of Kelantan 1565, Regent for his young stepson, Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah I, from 1570. Proclaimed as ruler on his death in 1571, and installed with the title of Paduka Sri Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II. Established his capital at Tanah Puteh, before removing to Sungai Damar and later Sungai Batu Sawar. m. (first) a daughter of the Bendahara Sri Nara di-Raja of Pahang. m. (second) H.H. Raja Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Raja Perempuan (bur. Bukit Seluyud, Kampung Panjor), widow of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin Shah, Sultan of Pahang, and daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, by his wife, a daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Sultan of Pahang. m. (third) … (m. Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam), daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Husain 'Ali Ri'ayat Shah, Sultan of Aceh. m. (fourth) 1571, Y.M. Tun Trang, former wife of Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, and daughter of Y.M. Tun 'Ali, Sri Nara di-Raja of Pahang, by his wife Y.M. Tun Fatima, daughter of the Bendahara Sri Maharaja and later wife of Sultan Mahmud Shah I. m. (a) a gunduk, a relative of the Sri Nara di-Raja. m. (b) another gunduk. He d. at Kota Batu Sawar, 1597 (bur. Makam Tauhid), having had issue, six sons:
1) Raja Mansur, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala' ud-din Ri'ayat Shah III ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam (s/o the first wife) .
2) Raja Hashim, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ali Riayat Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam (s/o Raja Fatima) .
3) Raja 'Abdu'llah, Raja di-Hilir, who succeeded as, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mu'ayat Hammat Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam (s/o Tun Trang) .
4) Raja Hassan ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Raja of Siak (twin with his brother Raja Hussein) (s/o a relative of Sri Nara di-Raja) - see Indonesia (Siak).
5) Sultan Hussein ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Regent of Kelantan (twin with his brother Raja Hassan) (s/o a relative of Sri Nara di-Raja) - see Malaysia (Kelantan).
6) Raja Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Raja of Kampar (s/o the second gunduk). - Sulaiman Dawud 1597 - 1615 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala' ud-din Ri'ayat Shah III Zillu'llahi fil-Alam ibni Paduka Sri Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Johor, son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Raja Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Johor, by his wife, the daughter of the Bendahara Sri Nara di-Raja of Pahang, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1597. Captured by the Acehnese and taken to Aceh, 6th June 1613. Restored, 25th August 1614 but again captured and taken to Aceh in 1615. m. H.H. Raja Bonda ("the Queen Mother of Johor") (d. 22nd May 1663). He d. at Aceh, 1615 (bur. Makam Sultan, Kota Tinggi, Johor), having had issue several sons and daughters, including:
1) Raja Bujang, who succeeded as Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah III ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala' ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam .
2) The Yang di-Pertuan Muda. Governor of Trengganu ca. 1632. m. at Patani, 1632, H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Kuning binti al-Marhum al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Ghafur Mohi ud-din Shah [Phra Nang Chao Ying], Raja Perempuan of Patani (b. at Pahang, 1613; d.s.p. at sea during her journey to Johore, near Kampung Pancor, Kelantan, 1649, bur. there), former wife of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah III ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala' ud-din Ri'ayat Shah III, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, Pahang and Lingga.
1) A daughter. m. June 1613, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah Hammat Shah [Raja 'Abdu'llah], Raja of Seberang, younger son of Abangta Raja Mansur Shah, Raja Muda of Aru, by his wife, Raja Putri Indra Vamsa, younger daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah Sayyid al-Mukammil ibni al-Marhum Firman Shah, Sultan of Aceh. - Sulaiman Dawud 1615 - 1623 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mu'ayat Shah Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam. b. 1571, son H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Raja Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Johor, by his wife, Tun Trang, educ. privately. Styled Raja Bongsu, Raja Sabrang, and Raja di-Hilir, before his accession. Succeeded on the death of his cousin, 1615. Reigned as a wanderer, pursued from town to town and island to island by the Acehnese. m. (first) at Bandar Aceh, 1613 (div.), Putri Ratna Jauhari (m. second, Amir Al-Ghazi Shahab ud-din bin Amir Muhammad Nur ud-din), daughter of Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Abangta 'Abdu'l Jalil, by his wife, Raja Putri Indra Vamsa, younger daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah Sayyid al-Mukammil ibni al-Marhum Firman Shah, Sultan of Aceh m. (second) Putri Kamarliah [Tun Gemala Setia] (b. before 1600; m. second, H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Perkasa 'Alam Shah Johan Berdaulat Zainal-Abidin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Aceh Dar us-Salam), daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Kadir 'Alauddin Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by his wife, a daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Hassan ibni al-Marhum Sultan Saif ul-Rijal Nur ul-Alam [al-Marhum di Tanjong Cheindana], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Brunei Dar us-Salam. He d. at Great Tambilan Island, March 1623 (bur. Makam Sultan, Kota Tinggi, Johor), having had issue:
1) Raja Bajau ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mu'ayat Shah. b. 1620 (s/o the Pahang princess). Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda and ruler of Pahang 1641-1676. m. (first), at Jambi, 1659 (not consummated), a daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Agung Sri ing Alaga 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Kahar, Sultan of Jambi. m. (second) 1663, at Johor Lama,… (d.s.p.) daughter of Tun Abdu'l Jamil, Laksamana, of Bintan. m. (third) ... m. (fourth) ... He d. before August 1675, having had issue, a son:
a) Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Shah ibni al-Marhum Yam Tuan Muda Raja Bajau, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam .
2) A son k. by the Achenese before 1621. - Sulaiman Dawud 1623 - 1677 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah III ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala' ud-din Ri'ayat Shah III, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, Pahang and Lingga. b. 1590, educ. privately. Appointed as Sultan of Pahang by the Acehnese, August 1615, expelled from Pahang by the Acehnese in 1617, again ruler of Pahang 1623. Succeeded on the death of his uncle, 1623. Entered into treaty relations with the Dutch in 1639 and assisted them in their capture of Malacca from the Portuguese in 1641. Driven from Johor Lama into exile by the Sultan of Jambi, 1673. m. (first) 1610, his cousin, a daughter of Raja Hassan ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ali Jalla 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Raja of Siak. m. (second) 1612, a daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Kadir 'Ala' ud-din Shah, Sultan of Pahang. m. (third) at Patani, 1624 (div.), H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Kuning binti al-Marhum al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Ghafur Mohi ud-din Shah [Phra Nang Chao Ying], Raja Perempuan of Patani (b. at Pahang, 1613; m. third, at Patani, 1632 (div.), the Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Johor, and d.s.p. at sea during her journey to Johore, near Kampung Pancor, Kelantan, 1649, bur. there), only daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Shah Alam binti al-Marhum Sultan Bahadur Shah, Raja Perempuan of Patani, by her husband, H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Ghafur Muhi ud-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Kadir 'Ala' ud-din Shah, Sultan of Pahang. He d.s.p. at Kuala Pahang, 22nd November 1677 (bur. there).
- Sulaiman Dawud 1677 - 1685 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Shah Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Muminin ibni al-Marhum Yam Tuan Muda Raja Bajau, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, Pahang and Lingga, only known son of Raja Bajau ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mu'ayat Shah, Yang di-Pertuan Muda, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his cousin, 1677. Established his capital in Riau in order to continue the war with Jambi more effectively. Removed to Johor Lama 1682. m. (first) … m. (second) … m. (third) before 1674, daughter of the Dato Laksamana Paduka Raja. He d. at Riau, 16th February 1685 (poisoned by three of his wives), having had issue:
1) Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim Shah, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam (s/o the third wife) - Sulaiman Dawud 1685 - 1699 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah II Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Muminin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, Pahang and Lingga. b. ca. 1675, only surviving son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Shah ibni al-Marhum Yam Tuan Muda Raja Bajau, Khalifat ul-Mukminin Zilu'llah fil'Alam, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam, Pahang and Lingga, by his third wife, a daughter of the Dato Laksamana Paduka Raja. Succeeded o the death of his father, Sultan Ibrahim Shah, 16th February 1685. Reigned under the Regency of his mother and the Bendahara Paduka Raja until the death of the latter, 27th July 1697. m. several wives and said to have slain all of them who had the misfortune to become pregnant. m. Tun Encik binti Dato' Bendahara Tun 'Abdu'l Jamal, Engku Encik Ayu (m. second, 1722, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah bin Daeng Rilaga, 1st Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau), daughter of Tun 'Abdu'l Jamal bin Dato' Bendahara 'Abdu'l Majid, Dato Bendahara Paduka Raja. He was k. by Megat Sri Rama at Kota Tinggi, Johor, 3rd September 1699 (bur. there at the Makam Sultan), leaving a putative posthumous son by Inche' Apung, a lady-in-waiting who supposedly swallowed his seamen at his deathbed, daughter of the Dato Laksamana of Johor.
- Indra Abdul Wahab Paduka Sri Sultan Alauddin Ri'ayat Bin Daeng Rilaga@Ri Lekke. 1722 . Boleh saya tau kenapa berbinkan daeng sedang anaknya seorang Sultan?
- Azmi Ab Ghani Sultan ni gelaran arab....nak letak raja pun boleh , nak letak Pangeran Boleh, Raden Boleh....
- Azmi Ab Ghani letak aje apa yang kamu suka....apa ada pada gelaran yang manusia beri.....saya orang nak beri Datuk pun saya tak mahu.....tapi yang akan dapat bila ada cucu nanti tak boleh tolak, Tapi maaf aje, yang perempuan tak di Panggil Datin , tapi nenek ajelah...
- Azmi Ab Ghani TUAN INDRA ABDUL WAHAB, saya ada diberitahu pak kiai ada makam wali di utara kalimantan !!! adakah maknanya sabah ??? Tuan dari Tawau ? Ada makam wali di sana ? di sekitar Tawau / Sabah / Kudat ??? Just ingin tahu aje...Tuan Indra Abdul Abdul wahab
- Indra Abdul Wahab Hehehe......saya kurang faham mengenai hal itu. Mungkin ada. Tolong nyatakan tempat , INSHAALLAH.....mungkin saya boleh tanya rakan yang lain...
- Pahlawan Jihad yg di maksudkan makam wali sememangnya berada di kalimantan tetapi di bahagian utara..kalau tak silap syeikh muhammad arsyad al-banjari ....bukan berada di sabah
- Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa 1615 - 1623 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mu'ayat Shah Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Sultan of Johor Dar-ul-Izam. b. 1571, son H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan ul-Ajalla' 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah II Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Mukminin ibni al-Marhum Raja Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Johor, by his wife, Tun Trang, educ. privately. Styled Raja Bongsu, Raja Sabrang, and Raja di-Hilir, before his accession. Succeeded on the death of his cousin, 1615. Reigned as a wanderer, pursued from town to town and island to island by the Acehnese. m. (first) at Bandar Aceh, 1613 (div.), Putri Ratna Jauhari (m. second, Amir Al-Ghazi Shahab ud-din bin Amir Muhammad Nur ud-din), daughter of Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Abangta 'Abdu'l Jalil, by his wife, Raja Putri Indra Vamsa, younger daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah Sayyid al-Mukammil ibni al-Marhum Firman Shah, Sultan of Aceh m. (second) Putri Kamarliah [Tun Gemala Setia] (b. before 1600; m. second, H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Perkasa 'Alam Shah Johan Berdaulat Zainal-Abidin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Aceh Dar us-Salam), daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Kadir 'Alauddin Shah, Sultan of Pahang, by his wife, a daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Hassan ibni al-Marhum Sultan Saif ul-Rijal Nur ul-Alam [al-Marhum di Tanjong Cheindana], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Brunei Dar us-Salam. He d. at Great Tambilan Island, March 1623 (bur. Makam Sultan, Kota Tinggi, Johor), having had issue:
1) Raja Bajau ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'llah Mu'ayat Shah. b. 1620 (s/o the Pahang princess). Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda and ruler of Pahang 1641-1676. m. (first), at Jambi, 1659 (not consummated), a daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Agung Sri ing Alaga 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Kahar, Sultan of Jambi. m. (second) 1663, at Johor Lama,… (d.s.p.) daughter of Tun Abdu'l Jamil, Laksamana, of Bintan. m. (third) ... m. (fourth) ... He d. before August 1675, having had issue, a son: - Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa Dear anaknda Sulaiman Dawud, Could we go into the above history please? Which one is the Princess of Aceh who was delivered a son later about 4 years later than the next wife married by Sultan Abdullah. In my understanding she is the one referred to as ""m. (second) Putri Kamarliah [Tun Gemala Setia] (b. before 1600; m. second, H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Perkasa 'Alam Shah Johan Berdaulat Zainal-Abidin ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Shah, Sultan of Aceh Dar us-Salam),"" So this is the wife with the son born as claimed to be befire 1621? This is the son being saved and brought up by his uncle the Temenggung - could that be true?? Putting back the puzzled of the lost story into place. The story is compatible to the situation as th enext wife is from Pahang, who delivered earlier than her. May we look into this please - Thank you .
- Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa 3) A daughter (d/o Putri Unang Kemuning). m. (first) at Pahang, 1512, Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan of Pahang (k. ca. 1519) . m. (second) ca. 1520, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Raja Merling, Sultan of Indragiri, son of Raja Merling, Raja of Indragiri, by his wife, Raja Bakal, daughter of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzaffar Shah, Sultan of Malacca. She had further issue, two sons .
- Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa This info "" m. (second) ca. 1520, Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil ibni al-Marhum Raja Merling, Sultan of Indragiri, son of Raja Merling, Raja of Indragiri""" can we trace his descendants - was h also known ssomething like "Raja Kecil Bongsu or .......?"" to whom his " ibu kandung"" had given him a sword? at the perkarangan Istana Indraagiri itu ???
- Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa According to the wall about the Hikayat Siak, it was aasked if the character being described belongs to the same person in the Hikayat Panglima Aging, the answer is Yes, only the names of certain character was changed ....but the Bujang is the same person as Tengku Alang Iskandar or Panglima Agong - so it was agreed by the forumers there.
- Muhamad Feasal Yusoff Hubungan kerajaan Melaka & China berterusan setelah kejatuhannya. Diberitakan yang armada China telah membinasakan tentera2 laut Portugal di dalam beberapa pertempuran setelah China menerima aduan wazir Melaka di China. Wallahualam.
- Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa Ratu Kuning: m. (third) at Patani, 1624 (div.), H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Kuning binti al-Marhum al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Ghafur Mohi ud-din Shah [Phra Nang Chao Ying], Raja Perempuan of Patani (b. at Pahang, 1613; m. third, at Patani, 1632 (div.), ......ini lah lne - semuany abercampur aduk...criss crossing..
- Raden Baharin Raden Said Assalamualaikum Pangeran.Jelas telus tiada berselindung demi kedaulatan raja-raja nusantara,harapan tiada perang sudara akan berlaku, bersatu, hati dengan ketetapan hati.AMiin
- Fauzi Wan Idris Yg trsurat & trsirat... moga2 salasilah sbnr trus kekal selamat dalam tangan pewaris/zuriat yg sbnr.. Wallahualam
30 Disember 2012
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