Sunday, 30 December 2012


By: Sulaiman Dawud

Sejarah Terengganu yang awal adalah tidak jelas. Namun begitu terdapat catatan mengenai Terengganu oleh saudagar Cina, Chao Ju Kua pada tahun 1225 yang menyebut sebagai jajahan takluk Palembang.
"Negarakartagama", tulisan Prapanca dari Jawa pada tahun 1365, menyatakan bahawa Terengganu, Paka dan Dungun di bawah taklukan Majapahit. Berdasarkan bukti arkeologi seperti kapak batu dan tembikar yang dijumpai di Gunung Bewah, terdapat manusia tinggal di situ sejak 4000 SM. Pada Batu Bersurat Terengganu terdapat pula catatan nama Raja Mandalika. Seterusnya dalam sejarah Terengganu, terdapat pemerintahan bernama Megat Panji Alam dan juga Tun Telanai.
Terengganu kemudiannya disebut sebagai negeri di bawah pemerintahan kerajaan Johor. Pada ketika itu, dua orang pembesar Johor, Laksamana dan Paduka Megat Seri Rama, dihantar memerintah Terengganu. Seterusnya, Bendahara Hasan pula dihantar mentadbir Terengganu. Berikutnya, Terengganu ditadbir oleh Tun Zain Indera, kemudiannya, oleh anak Tun Zain Indera, Tun Yuan, Tun Sulaiman dan Tun Ismail; Tun Sulaiman sebagai sultan di Pantai Layang ( Balik Bukit ), Tun Yuan sebagai Bendahara dan Tun Ismail sebagai Menteri Tersat.
Pengasas Kesultanan Terengganu sekarang ialah Sultan Zainal Abidin I. Baginda yang juga dikenali dengan panggilan "Bendahara Padang Saujana" ialah putera Tun Habib Abdul Majid. Mengikut buku Tuhfat al-Nafis, karangan Raja Haji, Tun Zainal Abidin ditabalkan sebagai Sultan Terengganu oleh Daeng Menampuk atau Raja Tua di atas perintah Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah Johor. Sumber yang lain pula dinyatakan Tun Zainal Abidin ditabalkan di atas tahta Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu oleh Phra Chau Yang(Raja Perempuan Mas Cayam), Raja Pattani.
Mengikut hikayat Johor serta Pahang, Tun Zainal Abidin datang ke Pattani setelah Paduka Raja Laksamana Wan Abdul Rahman dibunuh di Terengganu disekitar 1688. Ketika berada di Pattani, Tun Zainal Abidin dijadikan anak angkat oleh Raja Pattani, Phra Nang Chau Yang.
Tun Zainal Abidin menjadi Sultan Terengganu pada tahun 1708. Ini berdasarkan duit kupang emas Terengganu yang mencatatkan nama Sultan Zainal Abidin dan tahun 1120 hijrah (bersamaan tahun 1708). Sultan Zainal Abidin I tidak lama bersemanyam di Tanjung Baru, Kuala Berang, berpindah ke Kota Batang Mahang, ke Langgar dan ke Pulau Manis. Kemudian berpindah lagi ke Chabang Tiga, Kuala Terengganu dan akhirnya di kawasan berhampiran Bukit Keledang (kini dipanggil Kota Lama).

Sultan Zainal Abidin I digantikan oleh putera baginda, Ku Tana Mansur dengan gelaran Sultan Mansur I pada tahun 1733, ketika berusia 7 tahun. Baginda memerintah Terengganu sehingga tahun 1794. Pada tahun 1739, Sultan Mansur Shah I berkahwin dengan Raja Bulang anak Daeng Chelak, Yamtuan Muda Johor Kedua. Berikutnya, baginda berkahwin pula dengan Raja Bakul, putera Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah. Ketika menduduki takhta kerajaan Terengganu, Sultan Mansur I telah menghabiskan empat belas tahun (1746–1760) daripada masa pemerintahannya di Riau, terlibat dalam persaingan di antara orang Melayu dengan orang Bugis. Apabila pulang ke Terengganu pada 1760, baginda terlibat pula dalam politik Kelantan membantu Long Yunus, Putera Long Sulaiman Ibni Long Bahar, Yang DiPertuan Kelantan menduduki takhta kerajaan Kelantan pada tahun 1776.
Sultan Mansur I digantikan oleh puteranya, Sultan Zainal Abidin II (1794–1808). Pada masa pemerintahan baginda, berlaku peperangan dengan Kelantan yang dipimpin oleh Long Mahammad Ibni Long Yunus, Raja Kelantan. Terengganu dikalahkan dan seterusnya Kelantan berjaya membebaskan diri daripada naungan Terengganu. Seterusnya takhta kerajaan Terengganu diduduki oleh beberapa sultan, termasuknya Baginda Omar.
Baginda Omar pernah menduduki takhta kerajaan Terengganu pada tahun 1831 mengantikan Sultan Daud. Tetapi baginda diturunkan daripada takhta kerajaan oleh Tengku Mansur dan seterusnya sebagai Sultan Mansur II. Sultan Mansur II digantikan oleh putera baginda, Sultan Muhammad. Pada tahun 1839, Baginda Omar berjaya mengalahkan Sultan Muhammad dan seterusnya menduduki takhta kerajaan Terengganu. Ketika pemerintahan baginda, Terengganu berkembang maju.
Apabila Baginda Omar mangkat, takhta kerajaan Terengganu diduduki oleh Sultan Ahmad Shah II (1876–1881). Sultan Ahmad Shah pula digantikan oleh putera baginda, Sultan Zainal Abidin III (1881–1918). Ketika pemerintahan baginda, British beberapa kali cuba melibatkan diri dalam kerajaan Terengganu. Pada tahun 1911, Sultan Zainal Abidin III meluluskan "Undang-Undang Bagi Diri Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu" yang di antara lain menyatakan Sultan Yang DiPertuan Besar Terengganu memiliki kuasa kerajaan dan jajahan serta adalah ketua tertinggi kerajaan Terengganu. Seterusnya takhta kerajaan digantikan oleh Sultan Muhammad Shah II (1918–1920) dan Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah (1920–1942).

Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Almarhun Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah, Sultan Terengganu ke-16 yang memerintah negeri Terengganu sekarang.
Menurut "Warta Chahaya Timor No. 38" bertarikh 29 September 1942, apabila Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah telah mangkat pada 26 September 1942, Tengku Ali, yang dirujuk sebagai putera sulung baginda telah dilantik sebagai "Pemangku Sultan Sementara" oleh pihak pentadbiran Jepun pada 29 September 1942. Seterusnya Tengku Ali telah diberikan gelaran "Sultan" pada 30 September 1942 oleh Syuckokan atau Gabenor Jepun. Walau bagaimanapun perlantikan ini dinyatakan tidak menurut "Undang-Undang Diri Bagi Negeri Terengganu" 1911.
Tengku Seri Paduka Raja, Tengku Ismail diisytiharkan sebagai Sultan Terengganu pada Ahad, 16 Disember 1945. Baginda seterusnya ditabalkan pada tahun 1949 dengan gelaran "Sultan Ismail Nasaruddin Shah". Sultan Ismail Nasaruddin dilantik sebagai Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong ke–6 dari 21 September 1965 hingga 20 September 1970. Dalam tempoh itu, Duli Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Mahmud dilantik sebagai Pemangku Raja Terengganu. Apabila Sultan Ismail Nasaruddin Shah mangkat pada tahun 1979, takhta kerajaan Terengganu digantikan oleh putera baginda, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Yang Dipertuan Muda Tengku Mahmud. Baginda menduduki takhta kerajaan Terengganu dengan gelaran Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah. Sultan Mahmud mangkat pada 15 Mei 1998 di Singapura. Dengan itu, takhta kerajaan Terengganu digantikan oleh putera baginda, Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin.

1708-1733: Sultan Zainal Abidin Ibni Tun Habib Abdul Majid
1733-1794: Sultan Mansur Riayat Shah I
1794–1808: Sultan Zainal Abidin Shah II, Putera Sultan Mansur I
1808–1830: Sultan Ahmad Muazzam Shah I, Putera Sultan Zainal II
1830: Sultan Abdul Rahman Shah, Putera Sultan Zainal II
1830–1831: Sultan Daud, Putera Sultan Ahmad I
1831–1837: Sultan Mansur Riayat Shah II, Putera Sultan Zainal II
1837–1839: Sultan Muhammad Muazzam Shah I, Putera Sultan Mansur II
1839–1876: Baginda Omar
1876–1881: Sultan Ahmad Muazzam Shah II
1881–1918: Sultan Zainal Abidin Shah III, putera Sultan Ahmad II
1918–1920: Sultan Muhammad Muazzam Shah II, Putera Sultan Zainal III
1920–1942: Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam Shah
1942-1945: Sultan Ali, putera Sultan Sulaiman
1945-1979: Sultan Ismail Nasaruddin Shah, Putera Sultan Zainal III
1979-1998: Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah
1998-2024: Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin
— with Kedaton Kraton Wahyu Utama and 45 others in Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.
  • Muhammad Hashim Ab Rahman tanah tumpah negeriku... TERENGGANU...
  • Sulaiman Dawud The Royal house of Trengganu represents one of the junior male lines of the Bendahara family of Johor. They trace their descent from one Aidarus of Aceh, in Sumatra, a Sayyid originating from the Hadramaut in Southern Arabia. His descendants came to rule over four different states, Johor, Trengganu and Pahang in Malaysia and Lingga in Indonesia. In 1717, Zainal-Abidin, the younger brother of the Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil IV Ri'ayat Shah of Johor established control over the eastern provinces of the kingdom with the title of Maharaja. He secured recognition as the first Sultan of Trengganu from his nephew Sultan Sulaiman I Badr ul-'Alam Shah of Johor in 1725. His descendants claim to be the senior male-line descendants of the Johor sultans, and thus the rightful heirs to the honours of that kingdom.

    For a brief period during the late eighteenth century, Trengganu dominated the East Coast of the peninsular, including Kelantan. The sultanate fell under nominal Siamese influence during the early nineteenth century, but suffered from several periods of fratricidal civil war. The Siamese were powerless at achieving either political or economic stability. By the end of the century some accomodation had been reached between the various parties, resulting in a form of joint rule where power was shared amongst them. At one time a reigning Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar, sharing power with a deputy or Yang di-Pertuan Muda. State debts continued to grow at an alarming rate, causing considerable difficulty to the Siamese Treasury. Eventually, Trengganu, along with Kedah, Kelantan and Perlis, were transferred to British protection under the terms of the Anglo-Siamese treaty of 1909. Britain paying all th Sultan's outstanding debts and assuming responsibility for them from 1911.

    The state remained one of the unfederated Malay States until the Second World War. The Japanese invaded in 1941, deposed the reigning Sultan in favour of their own candidate, and transferred the state back to Thai control in 1943. The state was freed from Japanese occupation and the rightful Sultan was restored onthe return of British troops in 1945. The inhabitants of the state opposed plans for the Malay Union in 1946 and the state joined the new federation of states on 1st February 1948. It joined the other states of the peninsular to form the independent Federation of Malaya on 31st August 1957 and became a state of Malaysia on 16th September 1963.
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1725 - 1733 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Zainal-Abidin I bin Dato Bendahara Tun Habib 'Abdu'l Majid [al-Marhum Bukit Nangka], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Trengganu*. b. 1678, younger son of Tun Habib 'Abdu'l-Majid bin Mat Ali, Dato' Bendahara Sri Maharaja Padang Saujana of Johor. Granted the title of Dato' Sri Paduka Maharaja, 1717. Promoted to Yang di-Pertuan Muda shortly afterwards, but lost that office to the Bugis in 1722. Invested at Kuala Trengganu as Sultan by his nephew, Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-'Alam Shah of Johor, 1725. m. (first) Nang Roqaiya, Che' Puan Besar (d. at Bukit Nangka, before 1733), daughter of Sri Paduka Sultan Long Bahar, Raja of Kelantan-Utara (Jembal) and Kelantan-Patani, by his wife, Raja Mas Kelantan, Raja Perempuan of Patani, daughter of Raja Bakar, Raja of Patani. m. (second) a lady from Muar. m. (third) Che' Puan (bur. Kota Lama, Bukit Keledang, Kuala Trengganu), granddaughter of Dato' Wan Ismail, Dato' Trengganu. m. (fourth) a daughter of Dato' Sharif 'Abdu'l-Malik bin 'Abdu'llah, Tuk Ku Pulau Manis. He d. at Bukit Nangka, 7th March 1733 (bur. Kota Lama, Bukit Keledang, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, seven sons and six daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1733 - 1793 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mansur Riayat Shah Zillu'llah fi al-'Alam ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin [al-Marhum Besar], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Kechil of Trengganu. b. before 23rd May 1726, sixthson of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Zainal-Abidin I bin Dato Bendahara Tun Habib 'Abdu'l Majid, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Trengganu, by his wife, Cik Puan Besar, the granddaughter of Dato' Wan Ismail, Dato' Trengganu, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his father and invested with the title of Raja and Yang di-Pertuan Kechil, 7th March 1733. Reigned under the Regency of his elder half-brother, Ku Tanang Wangsa, until he came of age and assumed full ruling powers. Crowned at Kuala Trengganu and granted the title of Paduka Sri Sultan Mansur Shah by H.H. Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-'Alam Shah of Johor, 26th February 1741. Signatory to the treaty which surrendered Rembau and Linggi to the Dutch, 12th December 1757. Appealed for British protection when the Siamese threatened invasion and demanded tribute in November 1786 and February 1787. m. (first) in Riau, 10th April 1739, H.H. Raja Bulang binti Raja Chelak, Tengku Ampuan (bur. beside her husband at Zainal Abidin Mosque, Kuala Trengganu), daughter of Raja Chelak bin Daing Rilaga, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. m. (second) in Riau, 10th April 1739, Y.A.M. Tengku Bakul binti al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-'Alam Shah, eldest daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-'Alam Shah Khalifat ul-Muminim ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Ri'ayat Shah, Sultan of Johor and Pahang Dar ul-'Alam. m. (third) Nang Senik, daughter of Long Dil, of Pulau Melur, in Kelantan. m. (fourth) Kirah. He d. at Janggut, 17th January 1794 (bur. Zainal Abidin Mosque, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, thirteen sons and seven daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1793 - 1808 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Zainal-Abidin II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Riayat [al-Marhum Mata Merah], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu. b. 7th May 1744 [Raja Sehin], fourth son H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mansur Riayat Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by Kirah, a junior wife, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent and Deputy ruler with the title of Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Muda, before 4th March 1775. Proclaimed on the death of his father, as Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar, 26th January 1793. m. (first) Y.M. Encik Wan Zainab, Cik Puan Besar, eldest daughter of Y.M. Tun 'Abdu'l Jamal bin Dato' Bendahara Paduka Raja Tun Husain, Maharaja Indira Bongsu, by his wife, Inche' Menjiwa, younger daughter of Ganda Abu bin Paduka Sri Rama. m. (second) Y.M. Encik Wan Asmak [Encik Wan Muda], Cik Puan Muda (m. second, Y.M. Tengku 'Abdu'l Kadir ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-'Alam Shah, Tengku Besar Tua, of Johor, by whom she had further issue, one son and three daughters), younger daughter of Y.M. Tun 'Abdu'l Jamal bin Dato' Bendahara Paduka Raja Tun Husain, Maharaja Indira Bongsu, by his wife, Inche' Menjiwa, younger daughter of Ganda Abu. m. (third) 1807, Sri Paduka Pangeran Anak Putri Hadiah binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Khanz ul-'Alam, Raja Perempuan, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Khanz ul-'Alam ibni al-Marhum Paduka Sri Sultan 'Omar 'Ali Saif ud-din, Sultan of Brunei. He d. at Kuala Trengganu, 23rd October 1808 (bur. Zainal Abidin Mosque, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, seven sons and six daughters
  • Indra Shahril Mohd I love terengganu..tanah kelahiran ku..
  • Indra Shahril Mohd Terima kasih tuan..kongsi
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1808 - 1830 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Ahmad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin [al-Marhum Parit], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Zainal-Abidin II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur Riayat, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by his first wife, Inche' Wan Zainab, Cik Puan Besar, educ. privately. Proclaimed on the death of his father, 1808. m. (first) Perempuan Cina, a Chinese lady. m. (second) before 1808, Y.A.M. Tengku Putri binti al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah Alam, Tengku Besar Perempuan, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri al-Wakil al-Imam Sultan Mahmud Ri'ayat Shah Zilu'llah fil'Alam Khalifat ul-Muminin ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Johor and Pahang. m. (third) Cik Hajar binti 'Abdu'llah, Cik Puan Besar (bur. Perkuboran Sheikh Ibrahim, Kuala Trengganu), second daughter of a travelling Chinese Minora player from Patani. He d. at Parit, 4th July 1830 (bur. Sheikh Ibrahim Cemetery, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, four sons and four daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1830 - 1831 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin [al-Marhum Surau], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, second son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Zainal-Abidin II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by his first wife, Che' Wan Zainab, Che' Puan Besar, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent and Deputy ruler with the title of Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Muda, before 16th February 1809 (or 1223AH). Regent for his incapacitated brother from 1826. Succeeded on his death, as Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar, 4th July 1830. m. at Bukit Keledang, Kuala Trengganu, 17th November 1802, H.H. Tengku Sulong binti Tengku Muhammad, Tengku Ampuan Besar (b. 1787; m. second, 1831, H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mansur Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, and d. 17th August 1864 - see below), daughter of H.H. Tengku Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Kelantan, by his wife, Cik Ku Wan Teh, Che Puan Kelantan, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Long Yunus ibni al-Marhum Raja Long Sulaiman, Raja and Yang di-Pertuan of Kelantan. He d. at Surau, 30th January 1831 (bur. Shaikh Ibrahim Cemetery, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, two sons and two daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1831 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Daud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Shah [al-Marhum Mangkat Kampung Daik], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Ahmad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by his first wife, Perempuan Cina. Succeeded on the death of his uncle, 30th January 1831. He d. at Kampung Daik, Lingga, 8th June 1835 (bur. Shaikh Ibrahim Cemetery, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, four sons
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1831 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Daud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Shah [al-Marhum Mangkat Kampung Daik], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Ahmad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by his first wife, Perempuan Cina. Succeeded on the death of his uncle, 30th January 1831. He d. at Kampung Daik, Lingga, 8th June 1835 (bur. Shaikh Ibrahim Cemetery, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, four sons
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1831 - 1837 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mansur Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin [al-Marhum Mansur], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Zainal-Abidin II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by his second wife, Cik Puan Muda, educ. privately. Granted the title of Tengku Bendahara Paduka Raja by his nephew, 1830. Succeeded on the death of his nephew as senior ruler, 30th January 1831. Installed as Yang di-Pertuan Tua, 31st January 1831. Crowned as Sultan Mansur II and sole ruler on the expulsion of his nephew, Sultan 'Umar, 1831. m. 1831, H.H. Tengku Sulong binti Tengku Muhammad, Tengku Ampuan Besar (b. 1787; d. 17th August 1864), widow of his elder brother, H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, daughter of H.H. Tengku Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Kelantan, by his wife, Cik Ku Wan Teh, Che Puan Kelantan, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Long Yunus ibni al-Marhum Raja Long Sulaiman, Raja and Yang di-Pertuan of Kelantan. He d. at Balik Bukit, Kuala Trengganu, 8th March 1837 (bur. Shaikh Ibrahim Cemetery), having had issue, three sons and four daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1837 - 1839 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Muhammad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Mansur [al-Marhum Telur], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu. b. 1821, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mansur Shah II ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his father, 8th March 1837. Granted the title of Phraya Vijit Bumindra Narindrabakdi Sri Sultan Muhammad Ratnaratta Bodindra Surindra Varman by the King of Siam. He was deposed by his cousin, Sultan 'Umar, 4th November 1839. Fled to Besut, then settled in Kelantan. He d. at Telur, Kelantan, 9th June 1840 (bur. there), having had issue, three children
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1839 - 1876 H.H. Sri Paduka Baginda Tuanku Sultan 'Umar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Shah [al-Marhum Baginda], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu. b. 1806, second son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Ahmad Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by his third wife, Inche' Hajar binti 'Abdu'llah, Inche' Puan Besar, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda, 1st January 1831. Succeeded on the death of his nephew as junior joint ruler, 30th January 1831. Installed as Yang di-Pertuan Besar, at Bukit Putri, Kuala Trengganu, 31st January 1831. Expelled from his fort at Bukit Putri and went firstly to Stiu, then Besut, to Kemaman and finally to Lingga in 1832. Succeeded on the deposition of his cousin, 4th November 1839. Sent an Embassy to Queen Victoria in 1869. He was responsible for the construction of Masjid Abidin and the Istana Hijau. m. (first) Y.M. Tengku Hitam binti Tengku 'Abdu'l Kadir. m. (second) Y.M. Tengku Bukit binti Tengku Wuk Ismail, daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Wuk Ismail, of Siak, Chief Minister of Trengganu 1831-1839. m. (second) Y.A.M. Tengku Salama binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman, elder daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin [al-Marhum Surau], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu. He d.s.p. at Istana Hijau, Bukit Putri, 11th April 1876 (bur. Zainal Abidin Mosque, Kuala Trengganu).
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1876 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mahmud Mustafa Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, youngest son of H.H. Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal-Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his cousin, 11th April 1876. Deposed before 16th January 1877. He had issue
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1876 - 1881 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Ahmad II Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Tengku Mahmud [al-Marhum Baharu], Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu. b. 1839, eldest son of H.H. Tuanku Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad Shah, Yang di-Pertuan Muda, by his first wife, Y.M. Tengku Dalam binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Mu'azzam Shah, eldest daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad II Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman Mu'azzam Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Lingga, Riau and dependencies, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Tengku Besar Paduka Mahkota 1864, Deputy Ruler with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda before 16th May 1866, and Regent with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Besar al-Sultan Ahmad before 28th January 1876. Succeeded on the deposition of his cousin, before 16th January 1877. Installed with the title of Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad Mu'azzam Shah. m. (first) 1853, H.H. Tengku Kulsum binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Mu'azzam Shah, Tengku Ampuan Besar (d. at Kuala Trengganu, 15th March 1882), second daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad II Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman Mu'azzam Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Lingga, Riau and dependencies, by his fourth wife, Inche' Mina, a lady from Sumbawa. m. (second) a daughter of Y.B.M. Sayyid Muhammad Zain bin Sayyid Muhammad al-Idrus, Engku Sayyid Sri Perdana, sometime Chief Minister of Trengganu. He d. at Baharu, 18th December 1881 (bur. Zainal Abidin Mosque, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, two sons and seven daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1881 - 1918 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Haji Zainal-Abidin III Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG (19.6.1911). b. 12th April 1866, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Ahmad II Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Tengku Mahmud, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu, by his first wife, H.H. Tengku Kulsum binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Mu'azzam Shah, Tengku Ampuan Besar, educ. privately. Raised to the title of Tengku Besar, and invested as Deputy Ruler with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda, before 15th January 1877. Succeeded on the death of his father, 18th December 1881. Crowned at Kuala Trengganu, 10th April 1882. Trengganu was transferred to British Protection under the terms of the Anglo-Siamese Treaty, 10th July 1909 (formally handed over ceremonially 14th July 1909). Entered into an agreement with Britain, at Singapore, 22nd April 1910. Introduced the first constitution for the state (Undang-Undang Tuboh Negri), 2nd November 1911. Rcvd: GC of the Order of the Crown (April 1896), and KC of the Order of the White Elephant (April 1887) of Siam. m. (first) 1878, Cik Teh binti Abu Bakar (b. 1864; d. at Kuala Trengganu, 3rd October 1938), daughter of Inche' Abu Bakar, of Lingga. m. (second) Cik Kulsum binti Haji Daud (d. at Kuala Trengganu, 12th February 1936). m. (third) Cik Amina binti 'Abdu'llah (d. 15th February 1892), a Siamese convert to Islam. m. (fourth) Cik Aisha binti Ismail (d. ca. 1934). m. (fifth) at Istana Besar, Pekin, Pahang, 16th January 1886 (div. 1895), Y.A.M. Tengku Long binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu'azzam Shah (b. 13th October 1864; m. second, Che' Wan Ngah Abu Bakar bin Che' Engku Mahmud, and d. 1952, leaving issue by her second husband), eldest daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Al-Sultan Besar Sir Ahmad Mua'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Bendahara Sri Maharaja Tun 'Ali, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Pahang, KCMG, by his first wife, H.H. Tun Besar Fatima binti Tun Muhammad, Tengku Ampuan Tua, daughter of daughter of Y.M. Tun Muhammad bin Raja Bendahara Tun Koris. m. (sixth) 7th July 1892, Y.M. Tengku Putri binti Tengku Muhammad Said (d. 5th December 1895), daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Muhammad Said ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Mu'azzam Shah, of Lingga. m. (seventh) before 1906, Cik Maimuna binti 'Abdu'llah (d. ca. 1918), a Siamese convert to Islam. m. (eighth) before 1913, Cik Zainab binti Salleh. m. (ninth) 17th April 1917, Y.M. Tengku Hajjah Aisha Mandak binti Tengku Mustafa, Tengku Sri Kemala (b. at Kampung Tok Sheikh, Bukit Bayas, Kuala Trengganu, 1902, m. second, Y.M. Tengku Cik Haji Ahmad bin Tengku Long 'Abdu'l Rahman, Tengku Sri Bijaya Raja. m. third, 1928, Y.A.M. Tengku Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Al-Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu'azzam Shah, Tengku Panglima Parang, CBE, and d. at Pekan, Pahang, 30th August 1988), daughter of Y.B.M. Tengku Mustafa bin Tengku Muda Idris, Tengku Sri Wangsa Raja. m. (tenth) a daughter of Sayyid Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-'Idrus. He d. at Kuala Trengganu, 26th November 1918 (bur. Zainal Abidin Mosque, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, eight sons and twelve daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1918 - 1920 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Haji Muhammad II Muazzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman. b. at Kuala Trengganu, 7th September 1888, third son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Haji Zainal-Abidin III Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG, by his second wife, Cik Kulsum binti Haji Daud, educ. privately. Appointed as Deputy Ruler with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda, November 1889. Succeeded on the death of his father, 25th November 1918. Abdicated in favour of his younger brother, 20th May 1920. Settled in Singapore, where he continued to receive the allowances of a ruler. m. (first) Y.M. Tengku Zahab binti Tengku 'Ali, Tengku Ampuan (d. at Kuala Trengganu, 1909, bur. there at the Sultan Zainal Abidin Mosque), daughter of Y.M. Tengku 'Ali bin Tengku Besar Muhammad Yusuf, Tengku Kechil Besar, by his second wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Salma binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman [Padang], youngest daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Nasr ul-Zaman al-Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum al-Malik al-Hadi Raja Muhammad Yusuf al-Mahdi, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Lingga, Riau and dependencies. m. (second) at Daik, Riau, 1906, Y.A.M. Tengku Dalam Embong binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman (d.s.p. at Kuala Trengganu, 1909, bur. there at the Sultan Zainal Abidin Mosque), younger daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Nasr ul-Zaman al-Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum al-Malik al-Hadi Raja Muhammad Yusuf al-Mahdi, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Lingga, Riau and dependencies. m. (third) at Lingga, Riau, 21st May 1909, H.H. Tengku Hajjah Ngah Aisha binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman, Sultana of Trengganu (b. at Lingga, Riau, 1892; d.s.p. 11th April 1963), younger daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Nasr ul-Zaman al-Sultan 'Abdu'l-Rahman Mu'azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum al-Malik al-Hadi Raja Muhammad Yusuf al-Mahdi, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Lingga, Riau and dependencies, by his third wife, Y.M. Sharifa Aisha [Tuan Bilik], a daughter of a Sayyid from Indragiri, Sumatra. m. (fourth) at Kuala Trengganu, 27th March 1912, Y.M. Tengku Ruqiya binti Tengku Umar [Yah] (b. 1893; m. second, Y.M. Engku Wang bin Engku Besar Padang al-Idrus, and d. March 1982), daughter of Y.M. Tengku Umar bin Tengku Besar Muhammad Yusuf, of Lingga. m. (fifth) Hajjah Maimuna binti Embong. m. (sixth) Hajjah Kalsum binti Muhammad Amin. He d. at Istana di Gong Kapas, Kuala Trengganu, 11th April 1956 (bur. there at the Sultan Zainal Abidin Mosque), having had issue, one son and three daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1920 - 1942 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-’Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG (3.6.1922). b. at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 1st December 1895, fourth son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Haji Zainal-Abidin III Mu’azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG, by his third wife, Cik Aisha binti Ismail, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent and invested with the title of Tengku Muda, 26th November 1918. Proclaimed on the abdication of his elder brother, at Kuala Trengganu, 20th May 1920. Crowned at Kuala Trengganu, 3rd March 1921. Attended the Coronation of the King-Emperor George VI and Queen-Empress Elizabeth at Westminster Abbey in London 1937. Rcvd: Silver Jubilee (1935) and Coron (1937) medals. m. at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 21st July 1913, H.H. Tengku Hajjah Mariam binti al-Marhum Al-Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu’azzam Shah, Tengku Ampuan Besar (b. 1889; d. at Kuala Trengganu, 12th December 1975), crowned at Kuala Trengganu, 3rd March 1921, youngest daughter H.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu’azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Dato’ Bendahara Sri Maharaja Tun ‘Ali, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Pahang, KCMG, by his fourth wife, Encik Zubaida binti ‘Abdu’llah [Encik Bidah], a Chinese lady who converted to Islam. He d. from blood-poisoning, at the Istana Timur, Padang Sri Negara, 25th September 1942 (bur. there at the Zainal Abidin Mosque, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, four sons and four daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1942 - 1945 H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan ‘Ali Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-’Alam Shah, Regent Sultan of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman. b. at Istana Tepi Bukit, Kuala Trengganu, 24th January 1914, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Sulaiman Badr ul-’Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG, by his wife, H.H. Tengku Hajjah Mariam binti al-Marhum Al-Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu’azzam Shah, Tengku Ampuan Besar, educ. Sultan Sulaiman Sch., Kuala Trengganu, St Andrew’s Sch., Eastbourne, Sussex, and Oxford Univ. Appointed as Yang di-Pertuan Muda by his father, 29th January 1942. Proclaimed by a collection of former ministers in the presense of the by the Japanese Syuchokan or Governor at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 26th September 1942, as Pemangku Sultan bagi sementara (or ‘Regent for the time being’, notSultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar since the Council of Regency, the only legal organ authorized to validate the succession of a Sultan in the 1911 Constitution, and the State Executive Council had been abolished by the Japanese authorities effective 1st June 1942). Granted the title of Sultan by the Syuchokan on the orders of the Supreme Military Commander of the Japanese forces in Malaya, 30th September 1942. The state was ceded to Thailand on 18th October 1943, as part of the agreement, which had allowed the Japanese to invade Malaya from Thai territory. Deposed on the arrival of the British Military Administration, 29th September 1945 (confirmed by the Council of Regency, 5th November 1945). Rcvd: the Order of the Sacred Treasure 3rd class of Japan (14.10.1943). m. (first) 1933 (div.) Cik Fatima binti Ismail (m. second, Sayyid Hamzah Hakim bin Sayyid Muhammad Tahir, by whom she had two further sons). m. (second) 1936, Y.M. Tuan Nik Sharifa Amina binti Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah (b. 1916), daughter of Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah. m. (third) 3rd June 1943 (div. 1947), Y.A.M. Tengku Putri Hajjah ‘Ain ul-Jamal binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Abu Bakar Ri’ayat ud-din al-Mu’azzam Shah, Tengku Sri Nila Utama (b. at Pekan, 3rd June 1927; m. second, Y.M. Datuk Raja ‘Abdu’l Jalil Shah bin Raja Haji Shahar Shah, and d. at the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital, Kuantan, 12th January 2012, bur. at the Royal Cemetery, Pekan, having had three further sons and one daughter – see Malaysia (Perak)), styled Tengku Ampuan Besar 1942-1945, and granted the title of Tengku Sri Nila Utama 24th October 1976, rcvd: DK II of Pahang (24.10.2008), SIMP, daughter of Colonel H.R.H. Paduka Sri Baginda Sultan Sir Abu Bakar Riayat ud-din al-Mu’azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir ‘Abdu’llah al-Muhtasim Billah Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Pahang Dar ul-Mukmar, GCMG, by his first wife, H.R.H. Raja Hajjah Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Iskandar Shah al-Kaddasu’llah, Tengku Ampuan Besar, eldest daughter of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Alang IskandarShah II al-Kaddasu’llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Rahmatu’llah Shah, Sultan of Perak, GCMG, KCVO. m. (fourth) Y.M. Tengku Roqaiya binti Tengku Su. He d. at Kuala Trengganu, 17th May 1996 (bur. there at the Zainal Abidin Mosque), having had issue, five sons and six daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1945 - 1979 Colonel H.R.H. Sri Paduka Baginda Tuanku Sultan Ismail Nasir ud-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG (7.6.1951, CMG 1.1.1948). b. at Kuala Trengganu, 24th January 1907, fifth son of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Haji Zainal-Abidin III Mu’azzam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ahmad, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG, by his fourth wife, Encik Maimuna binti ‘Abdu’llah, educ. Malay Sch, Kuala Trengganu, and Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Granted the title of Tengku Sri Paduka Raja. Sub-Insp. Trengganu Police 1924-1925, Cadet Trengganu Civil Service 1929, Assist Controller of Land Revenue 1934-1935, MEC 1935-1941, ADC to his elder brother 1935-1945, DPP Court of Appeals 1939, Registrar High Court and Court of Appeal 1939-1941, Registrar Land Court at Kuala Trengganu 1940-1941, Sec for Islamic Affairs 1940-1941, 1st Class Magistrate 1941, Mbr Council of Ministers and Assist State Sec 1941-1943. Succeeded on the deposition of his nephew, 29th September 1945 (confirmed by his subsequent abdication, 5th November 1945). Installed at the Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 16th December 1945. Crowned at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 6th June 1949. Became Deputy Supreme Head of State with the title of Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agung 21st September 1960, and King of Malaysia with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Agung and style of Majesty from 19th August 1965. Left office and returned to Trengganu, 20th September 1970. Col-in-Chief the Federation Reconnaissance Corps 5/6/1961-23/3/1966, the Malaysian Reconnaissance Regt 27/11/1970-19/5/1972, and the Royal Reconnaissance Regt 20/5/1972-20/9/1979. Attended the Coronation of the King-Emperor George VI and Queen-Empress Elizabeth at Westminster Abbey in London 1937. Rcvd: DK, DKM, DMN (31.8.1958), SPMT, DK of Kelantan, Selangor (12.3.1962), Perak and Pahang, Collar of the Orders of Pahlavi of Iran (17.1.1968), and the Chrysanthemum of Japan (19.2 1970), GC of the Orders of the Queen of Sheba with Collar of Ethiopia (21.5.1968), Merit (special class) of the Federal Republic Germany (9.3.1967), the Grand Order of Mugungwaha of Korea (7.2.1966), Raja of the Order of Sikatua of the Philippines (9.1.1968), the Order of the Republic 1st class or Adipurna of Indonesia (16.3.1970), and the Silver Jubilee (1935) and Coron (1937 and 1953) medals. m. (first) Che’ Wan Amina binti Wan Cik (d. aged 74 years), who bore two daughters. m. (second) 1929 (div.) Y.M. Tengku Tengah Zahara binti Tengku ‘Umar (b. 1911; d. at Istana Badariah, Kuala Trengganu, 19th April 1979, bur. there at the Royal Cemetery), elder daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku ‘Umar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir Ahmad al-Mu’azzam Shah, Tengku Setia di-Raja, of Pahang, by his wife, Encik Engku Umaiyah binti Tun Mansur [Ku Yah], fourth daughter of Y.M. Tun Mansur bin Dato’ Bendahara Sri Maharaja Tun ‘Ali, Engku Muda, of Kampung Marhum. m. (third) at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 3rd April 1944, H.R.H.Tengku Intan Zahara binti Tengku ‘Umar, Tengku Ampuan Besar (b. at Singapore, 13th April 1928), educ. Malay Sch., Telok Kurau, and Katong Convent Sch., Singapore, styled Tengku Puan Muda from 3rd April 1944, crowned as Tengku Ampuan Besar at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 6th June 1949, and Raja Permaisuri Agong 19th August 1965 to 20th September 1970, Patron Trengganu Girl Guides Assoc, etc., rcvd: DK of Trengganu, DMN of Malaysia (4.4.1966), SSMT, SPMT, GC of the Orders of Merit of the Federal Republic Germany (9.3.1967), Golden Heart of the Philippines (9.1.1968), Queen of Sheba of Ethiopia (21.5.1968), and the Precious Crown of Japan (19.2 1970), the Orders of Diplomatic Service Merit 1st class of Korea (7.2.1966), the Pleiades 1st class of Iran (17.1.1968), and Maha Putra 1st class of Indonesia (16.3.1970), daughter of the Y.B.M. Tengku Omar bin Tengku Osman [Hitam], Tengku Sri Setia Raja, OBE, sometime State Sec of Trengganu, by his second wife, Y.M. Raja Zainab binti Raja Alang Muhammad Nur, only daughter of Y.M. Raja Muhammad Nur bin Raja Ngah ‘Ali [Raja Alang], of Asahan. m. (fourth) Che’ Jarah binti ‘Abdu’llah, a Chinese convert to Islam, who bore one daughter. He d. at Istana Badariah, Padang Seri Negara, Mukim Batu Buruk, Kuala Trengganu, 20th September 1979 (bur. there at the Royal Mausoleum, Zainal Abidin Mosque), having had issue, four sons and seven daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1979 - 1998 Colonel H.R.H. Sri Paduka Baginda Tuanku Sultan Mahmud al-Muktafi Billah Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ismail Nasir ud-din Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KStJ (20.3.1990). b. at Bandar Kuala Trengganu, 29th April 1930, eldest son of Colonel H.R.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Ismail Nasir ud-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zainal Abidin, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KCMG, by his first wife, Y.M. Tengku Tengah Zahara binti Tengku ‘Umar, educ. Malay Sch, and Crown Grammar Sch, Kuala Trengganu. Appointed as Heir Apparent with title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda, 13th December 1950. Served as Regent of Trengganu with the title of Pemangku Raja Trengganu for his father from 2nd April 1965 to 20th September 1970. Proclaimed on the death of his father, 21st September 1979. Crowned at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 21st March 1980. Cmsnd as 2nd-Lieut Federation Regt 3/1/1955, prom Hon Capt 1/8/1956, prom Hon Maj 1/8/1958, transf TA 1/8/1965, prom Lieut-Col 1/12/1968, o/c Trengganu Btn 1968, Col-in-Chief the Royal Cavalry Corps 22/9/1979-1986, and the Royal Armoured Corps (KAD) 8/12/1986-1998. Rcvd: DKT, DK (26.6.1964), DMN, SSMT, SPMT (26.6.1977) of Trengganu, DK of Pahang, DK and SPCM of Perak (17.12.1977), the DK of Johor, Selangor (8.3.1978), Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, and Negri Sembilan, DP and DUBS of Sarawak, SPCM, and DKMB of Brunei, Queen Elizabeth II Coron Medal (1953), etc. m. (first) at Istana Mestika, Kuala Lumpur, 22nd March 1951, H.R.H.Tengku Hajjah Bariah binti al-Marhum Sultan Hisam ud-din Alam Shah, Tengku Ampuan Besar (b. at Klang, Selangor, 31st August 1933; d. at the Seri Kota Specialist Hospital, Klang, Selangor, 21st March 2011, bur. beside her husband at the Al-Muktafi Billah Royal Mausoleum, Kuala Trengganu), educ. Malay Sch., Klang, Malay Girl's Coll, Kuala Lumpur, and Cuckfield Park Coll, Sussex, styled Tengku Puan Muda from 22nd March 1951, and Tengku Ampuan Besar from 21st March 1980, rcvd: DK (16.9.1979), SPMT (26.6.1964), DKI of Selangor (10.10.1985), second daughter Group Captain H.R.H. Sultan Hisam ud-din Alam Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ala’ ud-din Sulaiman Shah, Sultan of Selangor, KCMG, by his second wife, Che’ Puan Hajjah Kulsum binti Haji Mahmud. m. (second) at Singapore, 15th April 1959, H.H. Datuk Sri Sharifa Nong Fatima binti Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah Alsagoff [Lisa Assegaff], Tengku Besar (b. at Singapore, 7th October 1939), granted the title of Tengku Besar together with the style of Yang Teramat Mulia (Her Highness) 4th March 1999, rcvd: DK of Trengganu, daughter of Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah bin Sayyid Salleh Alsagoff, of Singapore, by his wife, Sharifa Aisha binti ‘Abdu’l Rahman Al-Junied, daughter of Sayyid ‘Abdu’l Rahman bin Junied bin Omar Al-Junied, founder of the Aljunied Al-Islamic Sch in Singapore. m. (third) (div.) Cik Khadija He d. at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore, 14th May 1998 (bur. at the Al-Muktafi Billah Royal Mausoleum, Kuala Trengganu), having had issue, four sons and three daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud 1998 H.R.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin al-Wathiqu Billah ibnial-Marhum Sultan Mahmud al-Muktafi Billah Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Trengganu Dar us-Iman. b. at Istana Al-Muktafi, Kuala Trengganu, 22nd January 1962, eldest son of Colonel H.R.H. Paduka Sri tuanku Sultan Mahmud al-Muktafi Billah Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ismail Nasir ud-din Shah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of the State of Trengganu Dar al-Iman, KStJ, by his second wife, Datuk Sri Sharifa Nong Fatima binti Sayyid ‘Abdu’llah, Tengku Besar, educ. Sultan Sulaiman Primary & Secondary Schs., Kuala Trengganu, Geelong Grammar Sch, Victoria, Australia, Army Sch of Languages, RMA Sandhurst, and US International Univ-Europe (BA 1988), London. Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda 16th November 1979. Assist Collector of Land Revenue at Kuala Trengganu 1981-1982, Admin Officer State Econ Planning Unit (UPEN) 1988-1991, Presdt State Islamic Council 1991-1995. Proclaimed on the death of his father, at the Dewan Pemasyuran, Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 16th May 1998. Installed at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 26th May 1998. Crowned there, 4th March 1999, Became Deputy Supreme Head of State with the title of Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, 26th April 1999. Acting Yang di-Pertuan Agong from 21st November to 13th December 2001. Installed as King of Malaysia with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Agung and style of His Majesty at Parliament House, Kuala Lumpur, 13th December 2006. Completed his reign and returned to Trengganu 12th December 2011. Cmsnd as Hon Lieut Royal Cavalry Corps 1/3/1984, Hon Lieut Royal Armoured Corps (KAD) 8/12/1986, prom Lt-Col 1/9/1997, Col-in-Chief the Royal Armoured Corps since 15/51998, and the Royal Ordnance Corps since 2004. Field Marshal Malaysian Army, Admiral of the Fleet Royal Malaysian Navy, and Marshal of the Royal Malaysian Air Force 13/12/2006-12/12/2011. Chancellor Malaysia Trengannu Univ Coll of Science & Technology (KUSTEM) 2001-2007, and Univ Teknologi MARA (UiTM) since 2007. Patron and Chair Sultan Mizan Royal Fndn since 2005. Rcvd: DKM (5.4.2007), DKR (6.7.2000), DKT (15.5.1998), DK (9.3.1981), SSMT (12.2.1989), SPMT (6.3.1982), SSMZ (6.7.2001), SUMZ (26.5.2005), DMN (27.2.1999), DK (28.5.1998), and SMN (27.2.1999) of Malaysia, DK of Perlis (28.5.1998), DK and SPMJ of Johor (8.4.1986), DK of Negri Sembilan (19.7.2001), Kedah (21.1.2002), Kelantan (30.3.2002), Selangor (10.4.2003), and Perak, DKMB of Brunei, Knt of the Order of Rajamitrabhorn of Thailand (9.3. 2009), GC of the Order of Independence of Qatar (13.12.2010), the Order of the Republic 1st class or Adipurna of Indonesia (17.10.2011), and Cdr of the Order of the Legion of Honour of France. m. (first) at Istana Maziah, Kuala Trengganu, 28th March 1996, H.R.H. Sultana Nur Zahirah (b. at Alor Star, Kedah, 7th December 1973), née Rozita Adil Bakeri, educ. Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan, and St Nicholas’ Convent, Alor Star, raised to the title of Encik Puan Sri 28th March 1996, and prom to Permaisuri together with the title of Tuanku and style of Duli Yang Maha Mulia (Her Royal Highness) 12th July 1998, and Sultana with the style of Duli Yang Maha Mulia (Her Royal Highness) 5th June 2006, Patron Yayasin Tuanku Nur Zahirah since 2007, Hon Dr (Management) Malaysia Trengannu Univ Coll of Science & Technology (KUSTEM) 2006, rcvd: DK (16.1.1999), SSMT (9.7.1998), SSMZ (6.7.2001), DMN (5.4.2007), elder daughter of Y.Bhg. Dato’ Sri Haji Omar bin Haji Ahmad, by his wife, To’ Puan Seri Nur Rahma binti Haji Muhammad Zain. m. (second) a Thai lady. He has issue, two sons and two daughters
  • Sulaiman Dawud Wallahu A'lamu Bish Shawwab
    Haji Buyong Adil, Sejarah Terengganu. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1974.
    Ensiklopedia Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1995.
    Tengku Ismail bin Tengku Su, Tuhfat al-Nafis Naskhah Trengganu, The House of Tengku Ismail Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Trengganu, 1991.
    The Leaders of Malaya and Who's Who 1957-1958, J. Victor Morais, Kuala Lumpur, 1958.
    Shaharil Talib Robert, The Trengganu Ruling Class in the late Nineteenth Century. Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume L, Part 2, 1977.
    Dato' Mubbin Sheppard, A Brief History of Trengganu, Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume XXII, Part 3, 1949.
    Haji Muhammad Saleh bin Haji Awang, Trengganu dari Bentuk Sejarah, hingga tahun 1918m (1337), Utusan Publications & Distributors, Kuala Lumpur, 1978.
    Wan Ramli Wan Mohamad, Pengakuan Tengku Ali, Mengapa Saya Diturunkan dari Takhta Trengganu? Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, 1993.
    Sejarah Trengganu. Mansor Priting Press, Trengganu, 1968.
    Shaharil Talib, After its own Image, The Trengganu Experience 1881-1941. Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1984.
    Who's Who in Malaysia and guide to Singapore, J. Victor Morais, Kuala Lumpur, 1967-1978.
    Who's Who in Malaysia and Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, 1979-1980.
    R.O. Winstedt. A History of Johore (1365-1895), Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume X, Part 3, 1932.
  • Nik Zakiah NM Menarik sekali..... luas betul pengetahuan Tuan Hamba. Bnyak membaca dan reseach amat berguna kpd minda n generasi masa depan juga. Syabass!!!
  • Bonda Puteri Saadong Huh every detail is interesting
  • Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa sejarah yang tepat baru kit atemui kini. berterima ksih kitaa semua kepada hadhrat tuan Sheikh Sulaiman Dawud, yang mulia ini.
  • Tpss Syuhada Siddiq AlMustoffa Yang Faakir yg benar ilmunya
  • Fairuz Cucu Enda terima kasih tuan sheikh Sulaiman Dawud dpt mengetahui sejarah yg tepat dan berkongsi ilmu....
  • Princess Jezzebelle menarik.. thanks sbb share..

    30 Disember 2012

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